Friday, November 26, 2021

Cheap Ass Cumulus

TODAY (Friday) if you're listening to Cumulus radio here--you'll be hearing TAPED, "best-of" shows--especially on KGO--it's a so-called "mandated" holiday (as was yesterday)--but there's a twist here:

Cumulus is so CHEAP--how cheap?

Most legit radio broadcast companies pay a small, modest fee to augment and edit their "best-of" content; the people that actually break down radio content and remove time references and make the segments conform to present-day status.

NOT Cumulus.

Cumulus is SO CHEAP they don't pay the relative dimes it costs to make an hour of old time sound like present time. Thus, you had today on the Mark Thompson show a reference to "June 7th"--clearly, a show from June and being played on the Friday after Thanksgiving. It wasn't just that: a commercial played while another commercial drowned out the other spot. Talk about karma.

Cumulus doesn't care about crisp content, let alone any content. They are cheap bastards. They have ZERO respect for their listeners, ZERO respect for their talk hosts. If only one of those talk hosts were to show some stones and call out Cumulus, but that ain't happening.

Cumulus runs their radio stations like Walmart runs their grocery stores--little care and gross malfeasence--there's no respect for the product; no respect for the craft; not a thing. Nothing. As a resulkt, you, the consumer, get CRAP. KNBR, KSFO, The Bone, they'll carry on the carnange later today.

I am supposed to be silent and not be naive. I'm supposed to allow this dreck to carry on and forget about the old KGO, but I will not. Even the old KGO, when they ran "best-of's", knew how to edit down and put a quality broadcast on the air. And they did so with pride and were sensitive to making sure the audio was crisp and air-solid..

Cumulus doesn't give a crap.

Because Cumulus is CHEAP.


  1. But you are aware of their financial circumstance, so why would you not understand this...It's not that they are "cheap", they have no money.

  2. Like anyone is listening anyway?

  3. i believe knbr is airing cbs sports national syndincated talk radio like they usually do on holiday/weekends when there arent any national game broadcasts....i just wonder how kgo will fill the three hours that john rothman is on because he rarely interviews anyone, so it might just be three hours of him taking calls from a topic from six months ago

  4. How are the "best of ..." shows rated and chosen for rebroadcast? By a dart landing on their spot on the dartboard? Or does the selector simply grab one from the pile without looking?

  5. Will someone come in and buy this Poor Baby and put it out of it's misery. It's been like watching something DIE for over 10 years. Come on Cumulus, take 6mill and walk away.

  6. I hate that Cumulus is in that building (750 Battery). 910 KNEW and 94.9 KSAN had a lease for the entire 2nd floor before the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. The Maritime Building at Jack London Square was no longer inhabitable. So our great engineers, under the leadership of Chuck Waltman built two incredible radio stations at 750 Battery, KNEW & KSAN. Malrite was what real radio groups were about when broadcasting was live and local. It's sad to see what has happened to a great industry. Thank you iHeart, Cumulus and Audacy. You are the "rat bastards" that destroyed an industry, careers and lives of so many who loved radio.

  7. When I hear, "The Best Of ..." I expect, The Best!!!

  8. My How the Mighty have fallen
    So SiriusXM's a real bargain.

  9. It's only a matter of time until KGO goes to entirely satellite-fed programming like its sister station KSFO. The suits at Cumulus are keeping local hosts on the air in order to satisfy Nancy Pelosi, since Dems will soon control 3 of the 5 FCC seats. But when she's no longer speaker, probably a year from now, look for them to fire the local hosts.

    One way to know if a news-talk station is dying is that the hosts never do live reads for local sponsors. There are no local advertisers who want to pay for a host to read their spot.

  10. Re: "... SO CHEAP they don't pay the relative dimes it costs to make an hour of old time sound like present time."

    Good point Rich. Interesting indeed. Reminds me of a lyric by Jim Morrison and The Doors from their "Five to One" cut:

    "Trade in your hours for a handful of dimes"
