Saturday, November 27, 2021

Breaking: KRON Security Guard Shot in Robbery Attempt Dies

The security guard hired by KRON who was shot the other day in a robbery attempt in Oakland, has died.

Kevin Nishita was thought to be OK and was listed in stable condition and expected to survive but complications from a gunshot wound to his stomach proved fatal, according to sources.

KRON photo


  1. RIP Kevin. The media around here needs to quit acting like they condone some of the people doing crimes.

  2. This so sad. A guy making an honest living trying to keep others safe only to have some scumbags take his life over some electronic equipment.

  3. That is truly sad when I heard that on the news today. Probably a hard working guy just trying to make ends meet.

  4. The equipment is all insured the point of trying to protect and save it makes no sense. This has been going on for years.

  5. This was completely foreseeable and inevitable. I hope his family sues the living F out of Nexstar/KRON. And yes maybe the idiots running these stories about how crime isn't up and advising people to keep voting BLUE will have some shame and remember their "friend."

    1. How is it KRON's fault? If anyone needs to be sued, it's Oakland's city government for having policies that motivate crime and violence.

  6. fucking tragic

    1. Your sarcasm is rude Craft. Take the turkey and cranberry out of your mouth and show sympathy.

  7. God bless that poor man.

  8. It's sad t hat the guy died, but the first thing that popped into my mind when I heard the initial reports, was, WHY didn't the Security Guard, who was supposedly THERE to provide SECURITY for the newsteam, WHY didn't he FIRE HIS GUN at the dang BLMers who shot him? Otherwise, what good does it do to have security guards who aren't going to do anything? Oh wait, that is the situation we have now with the local police....

    1. @11:49 A man has tragically died. How about tabling your BS hot takes for one second, and offer at least a crumb of condolence?

    2. Were you there? If not, don't play Monday morning quarterback. It's easy to second guess when you don't have a firearm aimed at you. Only the people that were there know what went down but criminals these days don't need much of an excuse to shoot someone. Between the lack of prosecution, too woke for their own good politicians and a Governor that has been relentlessly dumping convicts back on the streets to lower the prison population numbers (Covid was the perfect excuse), this should not be a surprise to anyone that lives in reality not the dreamland Utopia that some in office envision. Until people get fed up of being accosted, robbed, shot, having their homes burglarized, catalytic converters stolen from underneath their vehicle and businesses shuttering their doors from looting mobs, this will continue to happen. Being woke sounds great until you realize there are consequences. We are now seeing those consequences in action. (unless of course, you want to blame Covid for all of the above too.)

    3. Miklo; I agree with everything you said, except for the part about me "playing Monday morning quarterback". The fact is, that security guards at this level, are hired to provide PROTECTION for the parties involved, in this case, a news crew. Much like secret service agents, they are to "take a bullet" for whoever they are protecting. Now, I don't for a second think this security guard would say he would take a bullet for the newscrew, but my point is, that he was there to provide security, and as such, should have at least, gone down shooting at the person doing the shooting at him and the news crew. These days, especially in Oakland, a security guard pretty much needs to have his eyes wide open, scanning all around, much like a secret service agent, and have his hand near his gun at all times.

  9. Absolutely tragic and senseless. Security guards have fire arm engagement limitations.

  10. Hey 11:49... Authorities have NOT indicated ANY linkage between this awful attack and BLM. Stop telling lies!

  11. OPD released a car description (white Acura) yet, as usual, there is no suspect description. It does not seem like they are trying hard enough to solve this homicide.

  12. His family will own KRON soon

  13. crying and upset
    no more suffering
    you are loved Kevin

  14. Just heard on CNN that there is a reward fund for info leading to arrests.. I'd like to donate and I'm sure others would also. Can you post the address?

  15. I've seen several of the emotional responses, from reporters who worked with the gentleman who was killed. It is clear that he was beloved and well-respected. An extremely sad and tragic situation.

  16. This begs the question:
    Why the HELL does local TV continue to do needless live shots? What was the purpose of going "live" from that location? Why don't anchors just toss to pkg's that aren't "fronted" by a live talking head--what's wrong with tossing to a taped pkg?

    Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  17. The City and stores gave people the license to steal. Problem is stealing just turned into another senseless murder. SMH.
