Monday, November 29, 2021

Quick Monday Open; KRON Security Guard Tragedy Left Alone; KGO Radio Nears Ten-Year Cumulus Break-Up


The KRON-Security guard murder is a tragesy and best left alone here. It is not a media story. It's a crime story that was covered here and that's about it. I'll leave the other issues alone and wish the family of the slain guard peace and condolences.

*The 10th anniversay of the KGO Radio massacre--which pretty much broke up all the great things KGO was--will be on Wednesday. Word from my contacts is that the anniversary of Cumulus destroying a heritage station that was bigger than a mere radio station, will be essentially IGNORED by KGO hosts.

Cumulus brass will not directly tell its hosts to ignore the decade since; they don't want to be that obvious. But they go out of their way to make sure the hosts talk about something else. Only two of the original talkers--Pat Thurston and John Rothmann--remain from the original hosts that were retained that December 1st back in 2011. Rothmann won't say a word or give scant attention and Thurston will probably acknowledge its aftermath but then move forward.

Just my hunch.

*This is sort of logical in my book: might be wise to do away with logo on news trucks and 86ing the mic clips; common sense.

See you later today.


  1. Actually there is a huge reason to continue to follow this story. It affects everyone currently working in broadcast TV news, certainly and retroactively those of us who don't anymore. Could you at least publish the reward fund information so that a large reward can be generated to capture those responsible for this murder?

    1. I don't know about donating to a reward fund but there's a fund for the wife and children which apparently can be made at any Metropolitan Bank branch according to what I saw on KTVU's news story on the matter:

  2. Christine your referring to the murder of KGO right.

  3. KCBS 6:00AM until 6:30AM Sunday morning. What a F%$#ing mess. If you could screw it up they screwed it up. I have never heard such a mess on the radio. Even the traffic guy was laughing about all the wrong lead in's dead air, double and triple things going on at once. Get it together KCBS.

    1. When I get to Heaven if they have a KCBS radio station I'm going to kill myself.

  4. Is the female reporter who was with the security guard that day on leave or still working? I forgot her name, Rich mentioned it.

  5. Why would KGO hosts mention the Station change 10 years ago? Probably best to be forgotten.

  6. Why wouldn't rothman bring it up? assured he will do his usual phony "interviews" with his buddy steve the tax guy

  7. NBC Bay Area and BAy City News report reward fund, now at 32,500 for info leading to arrest of those who killed Kevin Nishita. Crimestoppers of Oakland and Oakland police are offering reward. Nexstar Media and KRON 4, and Star Protection Agency ( where Nishita worked) are all contributing . Crimestoppes number is (510) 777-8572 and OPD homicide number is (510) 238-3821. If you drag enough money around, killer(s) will be caught.

  8. Most local news cars already don't have logos on them, along with mic flags. Even without them, media crews are recognizable by the equipment, albeit small equipment. Even then, the gear used by most news crews is not very valuable anymore. The issue is sending news crews to sketchy areas when there is no need to do so. We have seen it countless times, a news crew is at the scene of a crime that happened hours ago, or even the day before. Pointless. On a side note, I have not heard anything on what might have been the motive of the shooting of the officer. Was there a confrontation or a unprovoked far-off shot? What was the story about?

  9. Another example of how lame KTVU has become: They continue to constantly run that stupid Precision Garage Door repair company commercial in which they say 'with you, we'll get through these shelter in pace orders together.' We aren't in April 2020 anymore, we're a few weeks away from 2022. There is no longer a shelter in place, and even if there were, I'm pretty sure no one is depending on a garage door repair company to help them 'get through it.' Take this commercial off the air already.

  10. *2:11pm. She’s still working. I just saw her the other day.

  11. @anonymous at 8:50 - It's not KTVU's responsibility to keep its ad clients commercials up to date. If the company pays money to run an ad, the TV station will air it... as long as it is not offensive or totally false. Blame the company, not KTVU.

    1. Nope. Still ktvu’s fault. End of subject. Period.

    2. Actually it is KTVU's fault for airing dated material
      It is there responsibility for what is aired HoLeeFuk bro
