Monday, October 18, 2021

For the 15,768th Time, 95.7 "The Game" is Crap and Matt Nahigian is an Idiot

YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF Matt Nahigian, or most importantly, you really don't have to. I'm wasting time even mentioning the guy's name; I'd be better off watching the Spanish weather chicks on Telemundo showing their ass off. So I'm really defeating the purpose --it's sort of a contradiction, but anyway, I digress.

Nahigian isn't your garden variety piece of shit. He happens to be the program guy for the Bay Area's most irrelevant sports station, 95. 7 FM, "The Game." Nobody listens to The game. A diseased yak could do a show on The Game and would draw as many listeners as any show on the station does now. The Game is to relevance as Mel Gibson is to Hadassah.

I bring up this mutt because once again, there are several of you that tell me Nahigian doesn't know what he's doing. As if I didn't know that already. Maybe that's what wrong here. You keep reshuffling crap and you get more crap. What am I missing here? And yet I'm supposed to care? Why is there so much commotion over an entity that has NEVER registered any iota of notice since its inception? Can you name anything? Maybe I'm missing something here. No, I'm not. The Game MEANS NOTHING. Period. Take a look.

And Nahigian is at the forefront. Nahigian is supposedly some programming genius only he hasn't done shit at The Game other than hiring more retreads from KNBR and kissing ass from an employee who was let go who know writes press releases as something new and exciting (BORING).

Nahigian is a nobody. A radio bread crumb who fits the corporate bill on target: a 40-something moron who won't rock the boatl who manages to get jobs because he's not talented in the least but will listen to his boss and continue to churn out more dreck and willing to do so at a slave-labor price. Nahigian is basically a well-compensated bean counter at a place run by beans. He's the guy in the break room with the door locked.

If Nahigian weren't so busy stirring up shit --for shit's sake--on Twitter, I'd give him half a chance. He can't succeed. Never has, never will, even in the 15 minutes he's been on the job. Instead of making a dent in the ratings, Nahigian is the DENT himself, a fly that was swatted on the windown and MUSHED. The Game has NO leader. Nagigian is NO LEADER. A one-legged hooker would be better equipped to run 95.7 The Game. I'm being diplomatic.

Companies like Audacy and Cumulus love these guys. They feast off their energy, whatver that is. These guys blow a lot of smoke but deliver NOTHING. Nagigian is proof positive, a Philly radio retread himself, who was brought out to SF because he talked a good game (no pun) and had an IPhone 11. Congrats, said Audacy, you're hired. Oh, Nahigian had more; he knew how to post shit on social media and convinved some asshole in NY that "You know, that SF property? I'll make it bigtime!" --yeah, big time my ass. You went from an 0.4 to 0.7. You SUCK in 25-54 Male. You FAKE SHIT on Twitter between THIS CLOWN and others. You are a certified MORON, like I said at the beginning: a NOTHING. Plain and simple.

But you continue to get jobs. You are, (and it's not just you) the reason why modern-day radio SUCKS. Because ass hats like you have all the creativity of a dead rodent. To think you run a radio station --albeit one that has no meaning or bearing, is about as sensible as getting driving lessons from Stevie Wonder. If I'm supposed to be impressed by your prowess, I might as well go lock myself up in the bathroom at the Van Ness Chevron. I'd get better results there.

Nahigian, you mean ZERO to me. You will be kvetching in a few months in Toledo and The Game will be on their latest iteration of NOTHINGS that either worked on the bullshit 680 AM, or are selling Iphones in Fremont. It makes no difference. You're all clueless. You always have been, you always will be.


  1. Wow Rich, tell us how you really feel. LOL.

    Regarding Nahigian, yeah, he has his shortcomings. I kind of wonder if some of the people on 95.7 respect him. It seems like everyone always makes fun of him regarding the sound of his voice or they mention what he tells them to talk about on each show. Yes, it may all be in good fun, but from the outside looking in, it doesn't paint him in a good light.

  2. I guess you're not a fan of Nahigian.

  3. I never heard of this guy but if Rich doesn't like him he is probably a conservative.

    1. If this is the case, then I'm with Rich!

    2. Rich pretty much hates everyone.

  4. Also, for me, in a way, it's hard for me to really dislike/hate Matt Nahigian. I mentioned this before, but since this article is specifically about Nahigian, this might be the best time to bring it up.

    Matt Nahigian back in I think late 2018, early 2019, personally messaged me on Facebook and invited me to come by 95.7 one day to meet some of the hosts and basically hangout at the station for a bit. We unfortunately didn't get a chance to set up a day where I could come by the station to maybe sit in on one of the shows or meet some of the hosts in person, but I appreciated that he thought enough of me to invite me to come to the station. Yeah, it would've been cool to come by the station to meet some of hosts, but it might be better to meet them at a Giants, Warriors, or Niners game instead if I somehow see them there.

    I usually comment on some of the Facebook posts that 95.7 puts out on their Facebook page, as well as their Instagram page. On 95.7's Facebook page, I'm considered a "Top Fan" I guess because I comment quite a bit on some of the posts and join in on the discussion.

    Not sure if Nahigian checks out the traction on 95.7's social media pages, and I'm sure he extended that same invitation to other people who comment on their social media pages, but it really meant a lot to me that he extended the invitation to me to come to the station.

    But yes, Nahigian may have his shortcomings and there are some things he can do differently running 95.7, but it's hard for me to really criticize/dislike him when he invited me to basically have free access to the station without having to win a contest or having to pay for something.

    1. Otis, they probably cancelled your visit because if you were at the station, who would be at home to listen? Seriously, forget the visit - hold out for your own show - you deserve one based on your loyalty alone.

    2. Hey Otis III. Less is more my friend. Learn to be concise.

    3. @5:47- Thanks man, I appreciate it!... I'm not sure what happened. I'm guessing Nahigian was probably busy, even though I'll admit I didn't remind him or send him a follow up message. I didn't want to press the issue on something that he probably voluntarily gave me an invitation for.

      It was more like, maybe I'll get a chance to drop by there another time, but that was before covid though. With that being said, as I mentioned earlier, it would be cool to meet some of these hosts at a game instead.

      As far as having my own show, that would be cool, but I would have to do a lot of different things, as far as buying equipment and that sort of thing. I would probably have to go back to school and take broadcasting courses, or at the very least have some type of formal training.

      I know podcasting is big now. I tried doing some Youtube videos back in 2011, 2012 talking sports just for fun using a camera to record videos, and even that was a lot. LOL. To do this stuff seriously, you really do have to put the work and time in. I have a regular 8-5 job. If I had a chance to do something in sports in the future or maybe even work with these guys one day, even if it was for a podcast or something like that, that would be cool too if the opportunity presented itself. It's cool just being friends with these guys on Facebook and connecting with them through Facebook.

      But yes, thanks again, I appreciate the support!

    4. @9:04- I'll try my best to shorten the length of what I post. LOL. I do like to write and explain myself or set things up before I give my thoughts on something.

      But yes, I'll try to shorten these.

    5. You the man Otis. I think more people are likely to read comments that are shorter because they read them quickly in their phone.

    6. @10:41- Thanks, I appreciate it!

      Yes, that's a good point. Most probably are reading the comments on their phones. From a phone view the comments appear longer compared to when you're reading them from a computer, laptop, or an iPad.

  5. "You keep reshuffling crap and you get more crap."

    Sounds like Nikki Medoro being moved around at KGO.

  6. Hey, if he can sing “Slap the Ham”, he’s ok with me.

  7. I like The Game because it allows calls, unlike KNBR where the hosts talk over each other with inane pop culture references. Murph's admiration of Huey Lewis and the News about sums it up.

  8. this is a very scathing critique of the guy, i wonder if he reads this he doesn't im sure someone alerted him to it.. nahigian has always been very defensive when A's fans called out him out for completly ignoring the team before, and certainly since 2019 when they lost the rights to the broadcast.. he seems to be of the opinion that the entire sport world is centered around the 3 san francisco teams..they also have never talked about the sharks, earthquakes, college sports or any non san francisco team.. guess their talkers all arent interested and they most feel whatever listeners they have don't mind or care either

  9. Rich, The Van Ness Chevron bathroom is where Covay is doing his new gig at

  10. More boring sportz discussion. Who cares about sportz? Overgrown children.

    1. A lot of people care about sports. Look at how much traction sports discussion gets. Plus, sports brings people together. When you go to a game, you at least see and speak to one person that you otherwise probably wouldn't have talked to.

      Sports is great man, and it's cool to discuss it amongst other sports fans!

    2. Non-sports fans always have to comment in discussions about sports, to remind us of their non-sportsing-ness.

    3. @4:02- They do, it's really annoying. It's like us sports fans never bother those people if they are into topics we are not into.

      It pains me when they call sports the toy department. Yeah, sports is not up there with current events, but sports helps people feel good overall.

  11. The Bay Area has terrible sports radio (Rich didn't even comment on the new DAVE FM) and Nahigian is willing to take the job for whatever pay they've offered. Maybe he has deep pockets or comes from money because I'm not sure how he lives in this area with the salary these companies pay.

    Recent changes to the station will do nothing. Nahigian will nod his head to keep his job. They'll promote gambling and social media. Do you think he knows how to make talent better? I doubt it. He has never once added anything truly helpful to the shows. The producers don't have a clue how to produce radio. They fall asleep in studio (who can blame them). Ever heard some of these callers they let on the air? Thing Nahigian has ever told them how to do it better?

    The Game isn't relevant.

  12. Dent, eh? Could've been worse. Rich could have said No. 2.

  13. Whoa Rich!! Calm down but I can understand your frustration of how KGMZ is being programmed as thru the years. Its a bunch nonsense nothing to listen hosts and you are right there are alot of former KNBR retreads on KGMZ that I even lost count...

  14. The irony in this post is that Rich has nothing positive to say about the other sports station.

    The Bay Area has two sports stations both of which Rich feels have sh!tty talent and yet one does a lot better than the other.

    I don't have answers for how The Game gets better. I thought having the Warriors would lead to better numbers but Damon's show barely gets a boost during the season.

    They tried splashy hires and people didn't care.

  15. Long live podcasts and SiriusXM. Local sports talk radio sucks and has for the last decade, if not more.

  16. damn Rich you dissected him like a surgeon

  17. I'm not sure what would define good sports radio programming. It's part information, part entertainment. What one enjoys is subjective. I would be bored stiff if Bob Costas had a daily show. But I'm not crazy about highly-caffeinated guys yelling at each other. I'm a baby-boomer and enjoy 95.7 the Game's Scrubs' cultural references. Not everyone likes the same thing.

  18. Does anyone know the salary of Matt? Or anyone at 95.7? Shoot, even KNBR? Genuinely curious how much these people make to bring in minimal ratings across the board?

  19. Things have certainly changed since Z95.7

  20. I read a lot of slamming but no real reason for ripping the guy except low ratings. I tune into both and appreciate that The Game has more callers.

  21. You tune in to listen to callers?

    WHO CARES what Andrea the astrologer says

    1. @12:50- Yes, the callers do help make a lot of these shows. Without the callers, it can be boring if the two (or three) hosts don't bring the energy each show.

      As far as Andrea the Astrologer goes, no offense to astrologers but yeah, she can get a little out there. It's always funny to hear how the hosts handle her phone calls. They know she's a little out there. I had no idea a players success or failure is based off of the day of the week they were born and their astrological sign. LOL. I mean yeah, I guess it can be interesting, but that can't be the only reason why a player does or doesn't play well.
