Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Hey, Did You Hear the News? Stan Bunger is Retiring at KCBS But Not Too Giddy at All-News 740 AM

THE KCBS CREW, many of them apparently, are not going ga-ga over the impending retirement of longtime news anchor, Stan Bunger.

For one, Bunger's announcement on Tuesday is OLD NEWS by now; I REPORTED IT way back in April so it's no shocker at all-news land or your neighborhood.

I'm not trying to spoil Bunger's party; far from it. Thirty-plus years is a helluva run and Bunger deserves plenty of props and accolades. Nobody disputes his legacy in a business that is as treacherous and ugly as the radio biz. Stanley is a gamer. But I guess that's not the popular take at 855 Battery, the home of 740 AM (and 106.9FM) where grouch-central is already in full-bloom.

Bunger's Mt. Everest-size ego apparently desired a full-scale two-week endoff which is sort of cool only the pre-farewell is happening right on the air, something that is aghast at the news outlet powerhouse. "We're happy for Stan," said a vet news person, "but we also like to run a news operation here. It's kind of orgy-like now and as we get near his final day (June11t) it's gonna get worse."

I agree.

I love the term, "orgy" because I heard the giggle-fest today and on Tuesday too and it reeks of saccharin-central Traffic anchr, Kim Wonderley began describing the early Bunger retirement parade. It lasted at least five minutes and it figures to get even more garish when the various "goodbyes" are heard on the 11th.

I can hardly wait.


  1. He will have plenty of time to consult with chip franklin and joe starkey about recurring nightmares about termites

  2. That's why I didn't listen much during Steve Bitker's final week for the same reasons. It's a news station not a shrine

  3. Bunger was actually "consoling" the listeners about his retirement. I cannot wait to hear a new voice in the AM on KCBS

  4. Daily listener here. Gross over-exaggeration. I've heard a couple mentions of impending retirement but nothing that suggests the "orgy" you're claiming. You might not like Bunger and your reporting on him through the years suggests you'd likely whiz on his impending retirement. As predictable as ever.

  5. I don't recall Al Hart getting a fond farewell like Stanley Bunghole, who can't hold a candle to that local radio legend.

  6. Rich, is it possible for you to ever be happy for anyone in this business? You come off as a sour-grapes pipik.

  7. Rich Lieberman is consumed with jealously. He reviles anyone who's successful in the local market. It's really that simple.

  8. Well said, Anonymous June 3, 2021 at 9:59 AM. Rich is sour grapes personified.

  9. But, you all read the blog, LOL
