Tuesday, April 20, 2021

415 Media Exclu: KCBS Vet News Anchor Stan Bunger Retiring


Stan Bunger, the multi-decade KCBS news anchor will RETIRE from the all-news outlet, 415 MEDIA has learned. A memo to staff from ND, JENNIFER SEELIG, announced the move. Bunger's last day (broadcast) will be June 11th.

EARLY ODDS FAV to replace Bungey? JIM TAYLOR, the ex-CBS NEWS anchor but that's just an honest guess for now.


  1. This is breaking. And the posts on this channel have probably sent Bunghole to an early retirement. You've just told it like it is. Sad part is that it is what it is. Terrestrial radio sucks. Period. It's not going to get better. KCBS is nowhere near what it was even five years ago. There will be people in denial here, but just listen on a daily basis. Talking heads trying to stir the pot with no regard of spillage. Poorly produced newscasts as stations are trying to save money. Coverage? Throwing a can of paint on the wall would cover more than what a radio station does. The days of radio stations with news departments that covered stories are gone. PR people will control what the media reports now. That's their job and they'll do it well. There's no competition. A shame. Now Bunghole and Bitker can retire together.

  2. Isn't this the 2nd or even 3rd time this guy has announced his retirement? So retire, already!

  3. I'll miss both Stand and Steve. I wonder if the station change to Audacity had anything to do with their departures ?
