Tuesday, April 20, 2021


JIM HAMMER, the former SF DA just told KCBS "quick verdict probably good for the prosecution."


  1. That's what Marcia Clark thought

  2. Guilty on all three counts.
    Most thankful group of people, those who own auto dealerships on Oakland's "auto-row"...
    For as we all know, burning and smashing new cars is the only reasonable way for members of a peaceful demonstration to show their sincerity.
    Don't rule out more car burnings in downtown Oakland tonight.
    After all, there are other national cases in need of outrage.

  3. Libby Schaff will be handing out molotov cocktails and baseball bats at City Hall, BLM!

    1. You right wing pro-law and order a-holes have been put on notice...we're not tolerating your b.s. anymore. You'd better get your minds right.

  4. Replies
    1. I don't think so. Cops who do not follow the law are on notice.

    2. Of course it will be appealed, but I doubt Chauvin will win the appeal.

  5. Is that supposed to be brilliant?

  6. Based on what I observed, I think this was the proper verdict. Normally I stand up for the Police 100%. But in this case this officer broke the law and deserves whatever is coming to him. There are many situations where I would give a police officer the benefit of a doubt, particularly when a split second decision must be made, but this case is way different. He had several minutes to do the right thing and he did all the wrong things. This cannot be tolerated. What he did to George Floyd shocked all Americans, regardless of race or party.
