Thursday, April 8, 2021

Martin Leaving KTVU Is but One of the Many Challenges Facing 'The Firm' at Fox2 Now and in the Future (Analysis) --415 Media Thursday Open


MY REPORT of BILL MARTIN'S imminent retirement from KTVU is just the beginning. The "core-4"--news anchors FRANK SOMERVILLE and JULIE HAENER; Sports anchor MARK IBANEZ--have more of a STABLE presence, but that could change.

Somerville is signed through March, 2022. Frank, who is battling a series of personal issues (which he seems to be in control of) is essentially the "face of the station" and FOX seems to agree, but will they pay him (Somerville) for that distinction? Somerville seems content to work far less than his $600K salary he's enjoyed in past contracts. We'll see.

Haener will probably stay on for the immediate future too; her contract is slightly up in the air but she makes quite good money herself but at this point, Haener doesn't have to worry about money--she has a very wealthy husband. Anchoring the news is cool. Haener is a veteran at Channel 2. She probably stays there as long as she wants to.

Ibanez has either SIGNED a new two, possibly three-year deal and will close out a 40plus-year career at KTVU. All is well in sports at the "10 o'Clock News", at least in theory.

The BIGGER picture here, and it's a fortunate element in the case of FOX, is that in spite of the instability of KTVU's major news talent, (and there's considerable instability) the RATINGS are still formidable. Huge numbers can offset relative turmoil --any numer of longtime KTVU staffers have told me how turbulent it is around the Oakland FOX building and studios. The anchors' future is only part of the disfunction.

There is MASS FRUSTRATION with the troops over the apparent DISFUNCTION that is the state of a News Director (AMBER EIKEL) and GM (MELLYNDA HARTEL) who are the subject of MASS RIDICULE and perceived INCOMPETENCE. Several of the rank and file members, including their own STAR on-air talent, are FRUSTRATED at the lack of direction and lack of EXPERIENCE of the TOP managers. In spite of the chaos, they still go to work (even if it's from home) and broadcast a decent newscast.

That anarchy aside, there's a remarkable aspect to the --I'll call it "managed mayhem"; a shop where the operation is not so whacked that is unable to maintain a top-rated outfit. It's here where Eikel and her underlings can thank their lucky stars that inspite of the problems and issues they face, KTVU still rules the market. Morning, midday, and early/late into the night.

When the cookie starts to crumble, (like Martin's departure) then we are in for a battle royale. Not that Martin leaving will incite sudden instability, there's already plenty of that and Martin's later-years deterioration accelurated his exit, but he's still leaving. And with him leaving (retiring, whatever) 10 PM becomes an uncertainty. As does everything else.

Stay tuned.


  1. With all of what you've said above, it would make the most sense to keep Bill Martins replacement in house, someone the audience already knows and is comfortable with, don't rock the boat. But there's one problem. Amber Eikel doesn't promote women. She has elevated exactly one. A producer who is her bestie that she moved up to managing editor over a lot of other more qualified people. Amber only promotes women when it benefits her personally (power consolidation) or she absolutely has to (i.e. male/female anchor duo). The weather gals at KTVU are both solid, both have strong social media presence which at every other station is a huge consideration going forward as news becomes more digitally focused. But what will Eikel do? We'll see. She hasn't hired any of the "stars" at KTVU, they all came with the job when she signed on.

    1. That's odd because FOX loves women. Especially if they're blonde and leggy...

  2. Connection helps for Frank, didn't he do something related to an intern causing the station to settle with that staff and ending his marriage, both side $$$$$ losses.

  3. How DO they stay #1? The new reporters all look like they are still in college. Give me a Deborah Villalon or Rob Roth or Tom Vacar any day of the week. I guess all the stations are hiring young and cheap now. Shame though. I like the tried and true KTVU crew. They're the reason I watch. When they go I probably go too.

  4. One Eikel & Hartel could get themselves in trouble? Getting in Vacar's crosshairs. Then the instability will get even more interesting.

  5. I must say that I’ve always been impressed by the actual weather knowledge that the ktvu weather team has. The one exception is Rosemary Orosco who is a bonafide number point who is only there for her looks, which are rapidly deteriorating even though she thinks she’s a model and has even tried to start her own clothing line. The weather chops that Bill, Mark, Steve, and Kyla bring to the table are top notch. I wouldn’t mind seeing Kyla take over Bill’s slot.

  6. Bring in Erica Kato she would be a huge upgrade!

  7. Who the hell is that? Never heard of her. I don't think bringing in random people no one has heard of will help KTVU at all.

  8. FOX 2 became too uncomfortable for me. I switched to 4.

  9. I prefer KRON also. I can't watch Julie or Heather. Anything Fox is toxic.

  10. The new lady Candace at KTVU is pathetic
