Thursday, April 8, 2021

Odds and Ends Thursday; Bunger's Window Ads Quite Lucrative on KCBS; Cackle with Wonderley Isn't So Funny; John Lund Laughs at Greg Papa Jokes Because He Has To; KRON Toilet Paper Re-Surfaces; Clint Reilly Steals Chronicle Sports Editor to Lead Examiner; KPFA Patty Hearst Factoid; Plus Items Items and Items

ODDS and ENDS...

NO WONDER, STAN BUNGER is hesitant to GIVE HIS NAME when he comes on the air at 5: 30 AM; Bunger, I FOUND OUT, got a LUCRATIVE glob of CASH from the WINDOW company he's been promoting; like THOUSANDS of domamrs and then some. It's a TON of moolah, good for Bunger who I'm sure needs the money because it's hard to live on $300G a year in the Bay Area.

*If KCBS were under CBS NEWS policy as they were pre-ENTERCOM/AUDACY days, Bunger would not be able to pocket the cash he gets from the window company much less the more than $25G he's getting--poor Stanley. *UNINTENTIONAL LAUGHTER Dept: when Bunger had to HYPE the fact that KIM WONDERLEY, traffic anchor, got new remote broadcast equipment, Wonderley had to chortle out a "No, No" retort. Talk about GROSS! Kim, no one's laughing. The fact KCBS has been PLAGUED by FREQUENT on-air TECHNICAL GLITCHES is quite the JOKE, but not worthy of belly-laughs.

*When you're 58 years old, isn't it a bit BIZARRE, to continue to call yourself (and others call you) "KEVIN the RAT?" --gees Mr. RADICH, I know you have to work a lot (even on Christmas, poor baby) but for god's sake, 86 The Rat, this isn't Romper Room.

*JOHN LUND LAUGHS at EVERY GREG PAPA joke and line because HE HAS TO. Plain and simple; PAPA'S EGO is bigger than the football field at LEVI'S STADIUM. I don't know what's WORSE, pedantic, pathetic Lund's cackles on KNBR, or his now, every 2 minutes, we have to hear about his baseball-card collection. OMG, what a CROCK!

*EVERY TIME I HEAR KPFA, it eminds me the time back in 1974 (when I was 12) the BERKELEY-based FM Alt/News station was in the forefront of PATTY HEARST kidnapping ordeal. It was KPFA that got the old cassette TAPES of "Tania/Patty" joining the SLA. "Mom, dad, this is 'Tania." Only most of that was Patty reading with a gun to her head.

*MORE 1974: 47 YEARS AGO TODAY: HANK AaRON HITS HR #715 in ATLANTA off LA DODGER lefty, AL DOWNING. I was watching at home, thanks NBC SPORTS.

*THIS IS FUNNY and REVEALING (AGAIN) at KRON (900 FRONT) someone is STEALING the TOILET PAPER. This is an on-going issue. Where's STANLEY ROBERTS when you need him?

'*CLINT REILLY, the wealthy political consultant who owns the EXAMINER, apparently is spenind wads of CASH; he just POACHED the CHRON's SPORTS EDITOR, AL SARACEVIC (and a news exec) to guide the tabloid, money-losing EX into some sort of 2021 relevence. GOOD LUCK with that, Clint.

*OPENING DAY at GIANTS' Oracle Park FRIDAY, great scene out there, baseball, hot dogs, garlic fries and women running clear of LARRY BAER.

*It's a big day for Larry too because he gets to tell KNBR staffers in person to talk about the Giants and screw the 49ERS.

*KARNA SMALL was not only KGO-TV's FIRST Woman weather anchor (back in 1972) she was the lady that wrote BACKWARDS on a weather board. MORE NEWS: Small eventually became NANCY REAGAN'S PRESS SECRETARY, BIGGER than small.

*KNBR from 2-6 PM: BEER, BETTING and BOOBS, with endless GIGGLES. "Sports?" MWhat the hell is that? "TKB" should stand for, Thankless Klowns Bumbling. Good night everybody.


  1. I remember your tribute to Hank Aaron earlier this year with his passing. You have the same admiration for the man and his achievements as I do.

  2. Andre the Giant was always Andre the Giant, even when old.

  3. To be sure, Karna started as the weekend weather girl at KRON, second to Linda Richard. When Richard left in 1969 (anchor Ed Hart got all teary-eyed during her last broadcast), Karna took over. Then a new KRON weekend weather girl arrived - Terry Lowry. Karna wasn't quite as good as Linda at writing backwards numbers. Later on she switched to KGO and anchoring, then moved on to DC, where her main gig was NSC spokesperson for John Poindexter (remember Iran-Contra?). Now she's Karna Small Bodman, author.

    Quite a journey from wearing a miniskirt on channel 4.

  4. scenes from knbr: the most exciting thing about the giants home opener is geting to see "murph" washing and waxing larry baer's car outside the park and then gregy and johnny hoisting beers and bragging about banging women young enough to be their daughters..then "tommy t" and the gang hoisting beers and listening intently as tolbert tells for the 200th time about hangin with seve kerr in arizona..and finally johnny miller's tradtional story about going to his first giant game in 1962 with "kruk and kuip" paying more attention to the guy stuffing himself with hotdogs and beer in section 136 then the game..what a day

  5. Garlic fries are fucking vile...Baer probably has them for every meal.

  6. True about Kevin the Rat. When I first heard of him, I thought his name was Kevin Therat. He later explained it was Kevin Thee Rat. And he's in the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame?

    1. For a long time, I thought KGO radio reporter Chris Bjorklund's name was Crispy Orkland.

    2. LOL. 9:59PM That is funny.

  7. "... at KRON (900 FRONT) someone is STEALING the TOILET PAPER."

    Pero stocking up for the future.

  8. Did Patty have a gun to her head? Or, was she part of the program?

  9. The Chronicle's front page for the past two days has been devoted to their investigation of the mayor of a little town named Windsor, who is alleged to have sexually harassed a number of women. It must have taken hundreds if not thousands of hours for the reporters to pull this together. But who cares about Windsor? Sure, the guy's behavior was boorish, if the report is true, but is this where the Chronicle should focus its resources? Why aren't they investigating scandals in San Francisco like the death of public defender Jeff Adachi? If the Chronicle's Windsor Bureau could be moved to SF City Hall, imagine the stories they would find.

  10. Listening The Giants on the radio, man, Jon Miller's voice, just didn't sound right.
