Thursday, April 1, 2021

KGO Part of ABC Stations Involved in Disney Race Directive


Shouldn't it be something you acknowledge and take into account on an everyday basis?

It's rather sad you need a directive from the DISNEY folks to institute a policy. It's again, PC run amok. It has all the earmarks of turning into a total disaster.


  1. It already seems like KGO's broadcasts are nothing but weather, sports, and "Building a Better Bay Area". It's become unwatchable.

    1. Agreed! I used to work there as a producer. It was, at the time, the best shop in the business, better even than KTVU, which had fallen, though few had yet noticed. Now it *is* literally unwatchable. I'm so sick of Dan Ashley talking with that voice of a kindergarten teacher about all the sweet, poor people with brown skin. He and Frank ought to get their own show. Call it "WHITE GUILT."

  2. Hi Rich: Maybe I’m a bit dense, but you can let me know how I can watch Giants games. I tried tonight, but apparently DISH has cut ties. I had no ouch with PRIME, as the game is blacked out locally.

  3. That's corporate life!!!!

  4. Man Rich; All I can say is that all this talk about race, is making me become a racist!

    1. Yup. But you're not a racist. Marty King said he wanted the day to be come when black people were judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Now they want to be judged by the color of their skin again, and whites are more than happy to oblige so that they can get liberal points. (After you collect one thousand you can trade them in for a house in the East Bay with advanced security systems, cameras at your doorbell, all kinds of alarms on your car and a gift certificate to The North Face, as you can now be sure them melanin cases won't bother you ever again. Then you drive to work in your Mercedes and shake your head sorrowfully at all the poor people who live on International Boulevard in Oakland.)

  5. They don't care if this generates listeners or not as long as people see them waving their virtue flag. LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!

    1. I look the other way, by switching off all the Bay Area news stations, even since they stopped showing police suspect sketches and mugshots, and reduced descriptions to "tall man 25-30 years old," because anything else "incites prejudice." They do, but not for the reason the stations imply.

      (Frank was a hilarious violator of this last night. The graphic for a race crime identified the perpetrator as "white or Hispanic." Frank only read the "white" part in his copy. Thank you for digesting the truth for us and spitting it out your own way, Frank.

      I'm not a big fan of Ann Coulter, but she once hit the nail right on the head when she wrote: "My two-step plan to end the scourge of black male over-incarceration. 1) Black males commit fewer crimes. 2) That's about it."

      It really is that simple......

  6. It's just a protective, pro-active visible installation of policy for all to see, a shield in prospective civil litigation...nothing new, or remarkable.

    1. Something for John Burris to dine out on for the next few years.......

  7. Rich: Is it Mitchell or McMahon who is too close to Trixie? Which explains the ongoing dysfunction that makes harder to work without being constantly viewed as suspicious inside the station.

  8. I edited KGO Channel 7 out of my TV's channel line-up, only watching if a non-news show I rarely watch is shown. I'm tired of Building a Better Bay Area. Disney is a mega corporation that knows nothing about building a better Bay Area. I'm also tired of the Find An Ally website commercials. It's patronizing and offensive that Disney thinks people of color need a dumb website (it's a nothing site with a page of links) to seek validation from "helpful" white people who could even use this crazy ally concept to con people, even kids. It's wokeness completely jumping the shark. Their newscast is void of useful, objective,
    factual news and full of discussions on equity and searching for examples of how bad our relatively progressive residents are supposedly treating each other. Will Dan Ashley donate his salary or live in less luxury in the name of equity?
