Thursday, April 1, 2021

Opening Day

HAPPY APRIL: Weather is superb. Not overly hot just warm enough as a prelude to Summer, whcih it feels like it is the past month. Any day now, the drought manifesto will be thrown our way, you are officially warned.

I'M SUPPOSED to act as if I were mellow. I'm NOT. Some how, some way, I accidently just LOST a month's worth of content. I can't win for trying. But hey, It's OPENING DAY, did you hear the news. Of course you did.

BASEBALL, Hot dogs. Apple pie. Live shows from the ballpark and MOS interviews galore from the infamous Walnut Creek downtown fountain, scene of white people central and convenient minority folks with volvos scattred nthrough the masses. Grab a body and ask Tony if they/kids have been vaccinated. How timely. And don't fortget to grab a smile on the way out and a shot of the fountain.

1 comment:

  1. "convenient minority folks."
    They're mostly Asian-American women...who try super-hard to not come across as Asian...and who've married dorky white guys.
