Friday, April 2, 2021

George Floyd Deserves Better on KGO Radio; Ronn Owens Dumb Take; Papa's Weird Voice on KNBR; Another Reason to Cheer on Gonzaga Because Brian Murphy's Fake UCLA Cheer is Fake; Papa Gruesome 49ers' TD Call Whored by Knibber; Bill King Would Have No-Go on Such Travesty; Friday Report

I'M NOT A FAN of nightly analysis of the cop on trial for killing GEORGE FLOYD. It's DISGUSTING. What are we doing here, play-by-action? Should we call in JON MILLER and set the scene too. How ridiculous and embarrassing.KGO's hosts are the big guilty party here. JOHN ROTHMANN last night asked his arm-chair legal callers if the defense tactic of saying Floyd was on drugs good for their side, c'mon John. Look, the trial will have its ebb and flow. It'll last more than a month, maybe longer, and they'll be days, the conviction of the officer will seem to be a no-brainer. And bad days too. I sense a strong case for MURDER 2 based on the obvious evidence: THE 9-minute tape. But something so seemingly obvious and visible as that could be not so apparent to the jury. RODNEY KING proved to all of us it's sort of grainy. That said, the nightly chalk talk is not cool in my book.

*SPEAKING of Floyd, the gruesome RONN OWENS had another pathetically take on his stupid "REPORT." Owens was incredulous that the DA in Mineapolis didn't try a MURDER ONE CONVICTION. Hey Ronnnnnn? I'M NOT a lawyer but I do know basic legal theories. In a case like this, you WANT A CONVICTION! It's hard enough to get 12 people to agree on anything, let alone convicting a cop on premeditated murder. Juries are hessitant to bury cops. They generally believe police officers, even in liberal Minnesota even when you see a cop with his knee on a guy's neck, it's difficult to get a GUILTY. So the Minn. DA is looking for a WIN. And be that, murder 2 or even manslaughter, is his goal. A murder 1 conviction is damn near impossible. only Ronnn seems to not gvet it.

*HEY, GREG PAPA, with the mass irritating gargle VOICE inflections. Will someone explain to me, Papa included, WHY does he (Papa) daily inflict his wildly AWFUL, stupid-sounding IZARRO voice changes? It's beyond bizarre, more CRAZY by the day. Of course his MENTALLY-CHALLENGED partner, JOHN LUND, dare not ever bring it up to POP, because he'd be GONE JESSIE instantly.

*JOHN MILLER, still has the touch. Even if he's in love with his voice. DAVE FLEMMING is so, so OVERRATED. Basic VANILLA WAFER. Flemming gives you the obvious every day. He's so BANAL and WONDER BREAD and you'd think GIANTS' fans could hear and see the obvious but after HANK GREENWALD and LON SIMMONS, maybe they are content with week-old oatmeal. Of course you'll never see this opinion in the CHRONICLE or state-run radio, KNBR.

*GIANTS/A'S LAST NIGHT: when's the 49ERS kickoff?

*GOOD FRIDAY: When America SHUTS DOWN, including the Stock Market, and people wonder why our country is losing its VIGOR. Lasi I checked, the USA is NOT a theocracy. EASTER SUNDAY, OK, I get it, but the whole nation being shit down today is a DISGRACE to me.

*ANOTHER REASON TO ROOT FOR GONZAGA in the NCAA MEN'S BASKETBALL TOURNEY: BRIAN MURPHY's shameless yahho support for his alma-matter, UCLA. I'll bet you Murph coldn't even name a player befoe the season. Smurph's UCLA whoring is PATHEIC. GRUESOME too, we're supposed to think this is cool? Yeah sure, like nails on a chalkboard too.

*IF the SF EXAMINER makes it another year, you all got a story.

*PAPA's AWFUL 49ers TD CALL is FURTHER DIMINISHED because KNBR plays it about a thousand times a day on non-49ers PROMOS. HERE'S A STORY: BILL KING would NEVR had his CLASSIC, "TOUCHDOWN, RAIDERS, HOLY TOLEDO" call be CHEAPENED by its over-use. King had class and dignity and would not stand for it. Papa and KNBR are ultimate whores.


  1. Well Rich, as you may know, I am usually completely in agreement with you on most things. However, the George Floyd fiasco is something I have to differ with you on. No doubt the video of the officer's leg on Floyd's neck looks bad. BUT, an independent autopsy was performed and it clearly stated that Floyd died of a multitude of drugs in his body, including abuse of pain killers, Fentanyl[sp?], Meth as well as alcohol. All of these substances were found in Floyd's body during the autopsy, and the toxicologist stated that they were the cause of his death. So it may look bad for the cop to have his knee/leg on Floyd's neck, but in pretty much anybody's book, there is CLEARLY REASONABLE DOUBT here, and if the jury goes according to instructions, there will be no "compromising" on the verdict, and they have to acquit the officer of all charges. There is reasonable doubt here.

    1. Bullshit. Independent autopsy proved just the opposite.

    2. The "independent " autopsy commissioned by Ben Crumb, the civil wrongful death lawyer for the genetic family of Mr. Floyd won't be part of the criminal trial. The wrongful death civil suit has already been settled for 29 million bucks, without any need to even file it. Try to keep up.

    3. Anonymous April 2 500pm; The settlement was for 27 million dollars, not 29. Try to keep up... Regarding that wrongful death suit, to me, that should have completely nulled the criminal trial fiasco we are witnessing now. Floyd, was pretty much a worthless nobody substance abuser, and now his family gets 27 million dollars. I would say they made out WAY better than if Floyd was still alive. The settlement should have ended the whole thing.

    4. Settlements are civil matters, not criminal. The wrongful death lawyer likely got a third of the 29 million.

  2. Flemming is a bit overrated, and he's no Simmons or Greenwald. I've heard a lot worse than Flemming, however. The week-old oatmeal going in is better than the material that comes out the other end.

  3. Fentanyl depresses respiration (see Prince).Causation is the issue at trial. IF the forensics show damage to airway, Chauvin is done. No forensic information has yet been introduced at trial.The prosecution case isn't finished yet. When it is, the defense case begins. A first degree murder charge would have resulted in an acquittal. See if you can figure out why.

  4. Ronny O is just plain embarrassing with his strange political analysis first when he was openly rooting for democrats to lose georgia senate races,to when he used to whine about never wanting trump removed because he was terrified of pence..he came across as such a wimp that barbara boxer admonished him on the air for it once

  5. Yeah, even Bill Maher takes the night off on good friday. Go figure.

  6. “Smurf” and “Crap” are horrible in the mornings on KNBR...

  7. The Flemming criticism is misplaced. He walked into two booths full of personalities. He's smart enough to play the "vanilla" card for now.

    Other criticisms of his work need to be viewed in light of the marketplace -- ESPN uses him for football and basketball.

  8. The racism in these comments is astonishing. Expert medical testimony from multiple witnesses all week confirm Floyd was killed by asphyxiation by Chauvin's knee. Multiple law enforcement witnesses from inside and outside the Minneapolis PD testified Chauvin's actions were outside any training he received and were dangerously inappropriate. And yet people come here and outright lie. Unanimous testimony is he did NOT die from drugs. Serving time in prison and passing counterfeit money is not a capital crime no matter how much you hate Black people. Floyd was tortured to death for more than NINE minutes. Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's neck for more than two minutes after he stopped breathing. Chauvin is a degenerate cold blooded killer.
