Friday, February 12, 2021

Top Level Secret Meeting Between ABC-Disney Execs and KGO Top Suits at 900 Front

A GROUP OF TOP LEVEL ABC/DISNEY EXECS--all working from Disney/ABC Central in Burbank scheduled a "TOP SECRET" Meeting at their KGO (ABCNEWSSFBAYAREA) series of meetings at 900 Front, I'VE LEARNED. The meetings are SO SECRET, even Circle7 TOP SUITS have mo idea they are being held, EXCEPT ME and it took a high-level ABC/SF source to get to me the very little information that the meetings entail. THIS MUCH IS KNOWN: the secret ABC Execs are so secret they arrived at 900 FRONT wearing Black and White suits, complete with very little else. Two men and two women. The FIRST meeting took place late last week. No details on what actuallytranspired but there's every reason to decipher this was not your ordinary meeting. And OH YES, the various KGO/Disney people were not exchanging oatmeal cookie recipes.


  1. It is called a Quarterly Business Review or QBR. Happens all the time. Trying to push an idea that The Blues Brothers (black and white suits) are there to make major changes. Major changes don't emerge from such visits.

    1. I heavily agree, 1:49. If any major changes were to take place, they'd just do it, not do some sort of song & dance out of Men In Black. I'm surprised RL didn't say he saw or was told a couple of Blacked-Out Chevy Suburbans escorted by high end security personnel in Black Crown Victoria's to give it a little more sensationalism to the "story."

    2. So very true David, good observation

    3. And how much soft money can I expect to receive in exchange for my core values?

    4. You have no core values.

    5. We have been doing QBR remotely since the Kootie scare of 2020 via Skpye or Zoom it avoids unwanted exposure. So why show up? Why risk exposure? Could it be the reason behinds RL's lack of sponsors? Its no secret...time to tighten the belt. Layoffs are looming, 15% of the housing market is in trouble. People cant pay rent or mortgages. Bills are piling up. Consumer confidence is in the shitter... the big "R" is coming sooner than you think

  2. They're installing Aaron Pero at the helm so they can start getting the world-class product they've been lacking for years now.

  3. They are serving KRON-4 with rent hike notification paperwork.

    The mouse is hungry, and needs more cheese from KRON 4 for using disney facilities.

    1. Last time I was in or near that place, (900 Front Street) the building doesn't belong to Disney or anyone in media. That building along with several other key properties around downtown SF belong to no other than the Saudi's.

  4. Fuck Disney for firing Gina Carano! These Disney libtards couldn't handle her historically accurate rant. Fuck Disney and their liberal agenda. I'm canceling my Disney+ service. That's the last time they get a cent from me!

    1. Triggered! LOLZ

    2. And although your level of insincerity is astonishing, it is still fun to read your drivel.

    3. I can hear the Disney people crying already......

    4. 6:38 LOL! Carano was a B-level MMA "fighter"...and a current horrible "actress."

      Oh yeah...her dad was a horrible backup Dallas Cowboys QB.

      Have fun watching John Wayne re-run movies on TCM!

  5. I'm more a fan of Agent K myself.

  6. And here I thought you were going to say that the Tom Cibrowski experiment was finally over and they were sending him somewhere where he can do less damage.
