Thursday, February 11, 2021

Eric Thomas Sounded Crappy on KCBS Last (Wednesday) Night --Does Anyone Care?

WHO'S MINDING THE STORE AT KCBS? Wednesday night anchor, Eric Thomas, was having a TERRIBLE night (mostly not his fault) broadcasting the 7-11 PM news. Thomas had bouts of DEAD AIR, awful spots overiding his anchoring, complete sounds of silence and uneven tosses to traffic anchor, Joe Hughes, who didn't help the cause with some tough-sounding chuckling. I'm figuring Hughes didn't know his mic was on, but that's NO EXCUSE. You should always treat a mic as a "hot" mic. Hughes is not ready for prime time and although Thomas sounded awful, he's probably looking bad because nobody at KCBS bothered to train him how to work a board. That's both embarrassing and ridiculous.


  1. Incompetence. What a surprise.

  2. As a Conservative I cut my teeth as an AM fan in the mid 1990s with KSFO greats like Lee, Jim, Art Bell Savage and even Ronn O was ok for a prospective on the other side! I am told I missed the Golden Age of AM in the 1960s & 1970s If AM was at it's best 50 years ago Currant AM Radio is Doomed!

  3. Painful to listen to.

  4. As you (3:58) call yourself a "Savage" listener I am not surprised you can't spell the word "current". Perhaps next time try spelling it with a "Q".

    1. Cute attempt at a troll. Go back to holding yourself while ogling pictures of AOC.

    2. How was that a "troll"? He nailed you perfectly, with correct factual observations about your idiotic and juvenile post. By definition that's not what a troll is. By definition is troll is what you posted.

  5. All just to get away from the Countess.

  6. Who honestly cares about Eric Thomas?

  7. AM Radio just regurgitates the MSM narrative. TUNE OUT FOLKS!

    1. The majority of AM radio in this county is conservative talk. That MSM? The folks at Fox that tell the courts that they are an entertainment channel and not a news channel. Yes, that MSM.
