Thursday, February 11, 2021

Lunchtime Schmooze; 415 Media Endorses 'Tough Jews' Book; Circle7 Staff Mildew Feeling; KPIX Ratings Titanic; KQED Needs Bay News

RICH COHEN: Author of "Tough Jews" --Richie, son of master negotiator, Herbie Cohen, (frined of the late Larry King) --it's a fantastic read, I 100% endorse its read --even better when you're noshing a pastrami sandwich...That NBC News Bay Area crew that was robbed of its camera gear Saturday night in the city had to be royally pissed off when the cops let the kids go to investigate further...KRON reporter doing live shot from GG Bridge, tells viewers, he was reporting from "Doyle Avenue", OUCH! Not Doyle Drive as some things never change...I can only say it's getting WORSE at Circle7 News --staff ranl and file continue to sulk and be miserable mainly because the overall feeling is that Disney/SF doesn't have their back. It's been this way for many mooons now and there's NO HOPE in sight...Meanwhile at KPIX: the ratings can't get any lower so the ND, Mark Nearman, has to tell the CBS bossesd that all is well and that there's some minor tweaking that needs to be done, that's all. Yeah, right, a sinking ship has better future than PIX and its AWFUL news presentation and product. WHAT A FRAUD! Nearman, I hope, didn't buy a house. He's front and center on the Black Rock chop list...DIONNE LIM is now on record as getting the most FAN MAIL at KGO until she goes to the network one day when little SF mouse doesn't pay her...If KQED had any creative juice they'd start a nightly Bay Area news show like a 21st Century "Newsroom" but that's impossible, I guess


  1. >'s getting WORSE at Circle7 News...

    They're not doing NEWS anymore. They've transitioned to this touchy-feely "Gosh diversity is wonderful" mantra and they're underreporting crime and violence and decay (because 90 percent of it is done by so-called "people of color") and overreporting non-stories. If I hear any more about the black poet at the inauguration I'm going to puke. And while crime escalates in Oakland (every house on my street except mine has recently been robbed or the subject of an attempted robbery, and I live in a good neighborhood near the Hills where homes go for $2 million) and yesterday someone on 580 pointed a gun at me after pulling right up to me in his car, then seemed to realize I wasn't the person he was looking for and drove quickly off. But when you listen to Ashley & Company you'd think white, brown and black people are all sitting cross-legged at Lake Merritt singing CumbayĆ”.

    The left talks about how Fox and NewsMax report fake stories—and they do. But so do our local liberal stations. One is as fake as the other and as dogmatic as the other. To get *real* news, or the closest thing to it, I watch the overseas news broadcasts—NHK, DW (Deutsche Welle), and the BBC. For local news there's really nowhere you can go today. They're all interested in being PR arms for various political stances rather than objective and neutral, which is what journalism was supposed to be about when I got into it. (And one reason I'm no longer in it.)

    The local news situation is disgusting, and it's something that can't be solved by hiring more competent reporters or spending more money on coverage. All the news departments have forgotten their missions, and they'd rather suck up and tell "their" people what they want to hear to goose ratings for their entertainment program that follows rather than simply REPORTING THE DAMNED NEWS! So they may have the "Masked Singer" or "Equalizer" crowd (in a sad attempt to be "relevant" to Millennials and hipsters) but they lost me and my generation—you know, the one that all statistics confirm spend the most money because we *have* the most money.


    1. When someone has to tell you how much money they have, they don't.

    2. GREAT POST! The only thing you left out is while yes Fox and NewsMax may spin there is a ton of spin in places like CNN and MSLSD. Similar to what you're saying about local news. Report the spin, ignore stories that don't fit their narrative.

  2. Ming Sze may need to take some time off from her 3PM Shit show to plot against Dion.

  3. 12:34 sounds like an angry Republican. I'm neither a Republican or Democrat--I'm a "I-don't-give-a-shit-about-either-party" kinda guy, so I don't have a dog in this conservative-vs-liberal slapfest. But I disagree with 12:34. I don't get an overwhelming sense of leftist pandering by KGO or any other station. A bunch of non-news, feature-ish BS, yes...but not in a liberal or conservative slanted way. It's just plain brain-dead fluff. Yes--there are quite a bit of people of color...and liberals...interviewed on their stories. But last I checked, the Bay Area is mecca for libs and minorities (particularly Asians). So it's no surprise that a lot of them are on the air. But to call the station liberal or conservative is vastly incorrect. I used to work in TV news here--and most people what work in the biz either don't know or give a shit about what party to cover. They just want to get good stuff on their demo tapes--regardless of whether a liberal or conservative is being skewered. I know that's how I felt when I worked in the biz.

    1. 12:34 again. You mustn't be watching very carefully then. Ashley came on a few months and practically *said* that, that in the future they were only going to cover "good" stories about the minority communities in the Bay Area. And I'm neither Republican nor Democrat either and never have been. If you really think Bay Area news is unbiased, tell me the last time they held Libby Schaaf's feet to the fire about all the (black) crime in Oakland, ditto London Breed in SF, et many a cetra. When blacks do something that halfway decent (throw a ball through a hoop, for example) it's an example of "black excellence." But when they rape, steal vandalize and murder, we hear "crime has no color." Oh really? Let's look at booking photos and we'll see what color crime has—eighty percent of inmates in a state that's 12 percent black. So KGO (and other stations) no longer show booking photos or give race in descriptions of suspects. Funny how when it's a girl reciting a poem, though, they can't stop talking about race race race.

      That's a fact.

    2. dear 9:43, the "girl reciting a poem" is a woman.She wrote the poem for the inauguration, and many others. Have you ever bothered to read poetry? I thought not.

    3. Agree with 12:34, but feel that Dion Lim definitely held
      Chesa Boudin's feet to the fire on those SOMA killings.
      He fears her now. Won't even take her calls. Libby Schaff
      has proven to be an incompetent, unqualified leader. She has made her woeful predecessors look good by comparison.
