Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Harvill's Cumulus Exit Was Far from Truthful; KGO's Future Up in Air

PEOPLE SEND ME A LOT OF INFO and ask that I post certain stuff. I was aware about Doug Harvill, the top Cumulus suit in charge of stations like KGO and KSFO. Harvill recently (a few days ago) "retired", really not retired because he saw the handwriting on the wall. His future was about to be carved over like you do a turkey. Cumulus was about to give Dougie the heave-ho so rather than facin g the music he chose to split while he was ahead. Which is why I'm here; to cease from spewing out the BS and telling you all the TRUTH! Don't read insincere Facebook posts; don't read trades and think their fact. Quit believing the bullshit that Harvill was all well and fine and dandy and was "retiring" because that's what they want you to believe. They LIE to you all. Hell, they are so crooked they even LIE to their fellow talk-show talent. Doug Harvill didn't just one day pack up and leave, if you fall for that, you're as much a bufoon as the rest of the KGO/Cumulus clowns. Harvill was about to get a heave-ho like you've never seen and it was a lovely shade of pink on it. The only difference was that this suit was allowed to leave the premises without a sinister woman in a black suit escorting him to the door without his card key. Good lord, please don't fall for the BS! WHAT's MORE CONCERNING? The future of KGO because there's so much (soon) to talk about its future and that's GRIM all around.


  1. Not a lick of stability in the AM Radio biz!

    1. This is true nationwide--not just the Bay Area.

  2. I hear a guy in Sausalito might have some interest

  3. Kind of like Biden is a "legitimate" President? 80 million Americans are full of shit right?
