Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Mark Thompson's KGO Ratings Officially in Toilet

MANUFACTURED CHAOS. That's the KGO Mark Thompson --Bret Burkhart TEN-CAR PILE-UP that takes place from 10-Noon. And here's the most galling thing: IT'S STILL NOT FUNNY! Thompson is about as Bay Area-centric as week-old oatmeal: he does the show from his remote set-up in LA!! There's a good joke there, let the force be with you. Thompson still believes he's funny and he's not. Only it's worse: when you believe you have a sense of humor and the jokes doesn't work and when you laugh? Oh my lord. Burkhart, a mega disaster with about as much excitement as a Lodi Ross, refuses to take advice from his wife: "Honey, I think you should get out of the house." She said that, really. They live in San Ramon. Maybe she's right, whatever the case, it's all a blur here, I don't get it and neither do you all because Thompson's ratings are in the toilet.


  1. Chip does his show from San Diego. That's about as Bay Area centric as a concealed carry permit.

    1. Incorrect, he lives in the east bay somewhere,his son works at a Safeway somewhere over there too

    2. It was Lafayette. You know, preaching to us all from that rich white enclave.

      Someone on here has reported he moved.

    3. He was renting a place in Lafayette and moved back to San Diego a year ago, right before the pandemic. His wife and son never left San Diego. He slipped the other day when he said San Diego Unified instead of SF Unified. Moments later he said his son works at Vons, but quickly “corrected himself”. When someone calls in and references Lafayette he just goes with it to maintain the deception. Kinda like magically transforming from a SD conservative to a SF liberal. Have you heard his endless endorsements? It’s not difficult to detect his know-it-all bullshit. He argues with experts everyday without having the bona fides to speak authoritatively. Dude’s a hustler.

    4. Chip is definitely living in San Diego and has for a year now. Like Ethan Bearman did, he tries to pretend he still lives in the Bay Area. Shameful really...

  2. I still am not sure MT is KGOs Rock Bottom! Guess the question is how much will the cloud throw Down that hole looking for it?

  3. Thompson was great when he had Radnich and Paymar as his foils. I've never listened to his radio show.

  4. As a bowl of week old oatmeal? You ceased referring to the Lodi Dennys?

  5. Expensive porcelain from the Cloud Clowns

  6. I actually find Bret Burkhart harder to listen to than Mark Thompson. Bret seems to have nothing interesting to say...just a bunch of "Oh wows!", fawning over B-grade (or worse) celebrity encounters and pointless, obvious questions or comments. I often hear Bret make an obvious, pointless comment and afterward there's a long pause by Mark, where you can imagine he's thinking, "No shit, Sherlock...thanks for dumbing down my show". Bret is fine if he's just reading the news, but he doesn't belong in the talk show arena.

    1. I don't listen to kgo until noon. Then I stop. Then turn on John. Thank gawd for I heart radio. I have listened to kgo for over 50 years. Grt rid of Nicki mark and chip

  7. Agree with you about Thompson. I mean, don't you want to hear a guy yelling all morning. But, KGO STILL seems to have zero interest in making changes, a real head scratcher.
