Tuesday, February 9, 2021


  1. Of course! Nowadays, blacks can do no wrong. Women can claim anything and they will automatically be believed. Up in now down and down is now up. Common sense has gone out the window. It actually now makes sense for everyone to be issued guns so everyone will have one for protection since police are either defunded, underfunded, or understaffed. The world has clearly gone nuts....

    1. You forgot to mention elections are being stolen.

    2. Anonymous at 2:14 PM: I laughed so hard it hurt. Thanks!

    3. 5:30 PM: THE TRUTH hurts, don't it?

    4. 1:09 speaks more truth than the troll/Nikki Medoro fan at 2:14 can handle.

  2. There are a lot of assumptions here about who did what. Maybe she was correct, maybe she was not. I want to hear the whole story.

  3. Photog: Luuuuuth, you sound like a character from The Cartoon Network. How about if someone overdubs your script?

    Luuuuuth: YOU'RE THIRED!!!

  4. Go back to Univision and Telemudo. Cannot even stand her horse voice and terrible accent on American TV. No Me Gusta Luz (I don't like Luz)

  5. The people in font of the camera always win! Companies invest more $$$ in the Pretty People!

  6. I have no idea what the dustup was about. But, having watched many of Luz Pena's reports, I am impressed with her work. She seems thorough and asks the right questions. I like her reporting.

    1. You're trolling, right?

    2. Her reporting isn't bad. Her voice and accent drive me up the wall, though. It sounds like she has asthma. Doesn't having a clear and understandable voice count for anything these days, or is that put on the back-burner in favor of diversity?

    3. You must be joking!
      She's nothing but an equal-opportunity hire.
      They needed a minority and picked her.
      I can't stand Looooooose Pena!

  7. Chaser said it all. Cameramen are cheaper, easier to fire. Sigh.

  8. Anny Hong and Robin Winston, PT.2?????

  9. indicitive of the current state of affairs in shit hole city

  10. She's clearly a luuuuuuuuz cannon. :-D

  11. I sure would like to hear the complete story.

  12. Of course I like watching Luuuuz Pena, but lets face it, she's no Da Lin, who is perhaps the most underrated reporter in the Bay Area.

  13. "I swear, all I asked her is "Are they real, or not?"

  14. Bunch of comments from bigots & misogynists. None of us know what exactly happened but that doesn't stop the stereotypical responses from the uninformed.

    1. So zero percent chance Luz was the problem.. Got it.

  15. I absolutely cannot stand Looooose Pena.
    I can't understand a word she's saying.

    She's like a yippy little puppy when she gets excited (and she seems to get excited often).
    But that's an insult to puppies - they're cuter and more coherent than her.

    She's clearly a minority hire to fill some sort of quota.
    She kind of looks like AOC so KGO wanted to jump on that bandwagon too.
    It's a two-for-one.

    Go away Loooooooooooooose Pena!

  16. I haven't been watching KGOtv news during the last few years. Luz looks great and I don't mind her accent at all. If she gets airtime in the evenings perhaps I'll get an opinion as to how her work is. Any alleged argument between an anonymous camera-person and Luz is irrelevant.

    Could someone explain the work-dynamics of a reporter and camera-person? I picture both riding around in the same news-van with the camera-person usually driving. Is this accurate? Is there another person present? Is the team/crew in more than one vehicle? I'm just curious.

    1. Depends on the station, and the situation. Pre-covid, you would normally ride together in the same vehicle. This allowed you to talk about what you're going to be doing and what you have been doing as you drive. Now with covid, I believe most stations have everybody driving separately. So you lose quite a bit of discussion time, that can be quite detrimental to doing a good job as a team on a story. Some reporters are assigned photographers ad hoc as in whoever is there, that's who they get. Others usually are assigned the same photographer, which allows them both to develop a stronger Bond. That can also have a bad side to it, as they become very much like a married couple. They know each other and tend to argue a lot more, then you normally wouldn't not with someone you don't work with that often. Photographers and reporters generally are of two different social classes in the newsroom. The reporters are considered the white collar workers, they have the eyes and ears of anybody in management. They hang around with all the folks that we call the inside people, the windowless ones. Photographers, are the blue collar workers. They're the ones out getting dirty, getting wet, getting in the middle of things. If you're not there you can't shoot it, thus you have nothing for your story. So if it's muddy and ugly, you want that shot you got to go get it. Reporters can stay in the van or even at the desk and just write about it. Reporters also get to sit around in The newsroom and talk with everybody in there and have conversations that develop into relationships with people in management. On the other hand, photographers are usually sent from one story to another story or to another story. There's very little option for them to be in a situation where they can develop long-term relationships with anybody inside. Kind of like the hired help. This is not a blanket statement, but just something that I've seen over 25 years.

      As to the situation, unless you get to hear both sides of it, you'll never know really what it is or what led up to it. Personally, I feel if crews are driving separately to the stories, that is definitely contributing to any and such issues like this. just that time sitting in the same vehicle gives you a chance to blow off any steam, just through discussion.
      And yes, the photographer is always expendable. There's more marketing and far more wrapped up in the higher of a reporter or on air talent, then in any photographer. As my first general manager said, I can just stop the bus and hire a new person at any time to replace you. You can be fired at a moment's noticed, and it causes us no problems.

      Most reporters make on average twice to five times as much annual salary is any photographer, obviously that doesn't count overtime. Photographers, we generally try to rack up as much overtime as we can, cuz that's about the only way you can afford this life style. Plus we're gluttons for punishment and enjoy being out in the field. That does not even include what on air talent makes, then you're looking at tenfold or more as it pay differential. I hope that helps explain for you

    2. desk. Usually the latter, partially because they have to go on air and look good. Would just love to see a reporter live once all muddy, as that is what it took to get the story. HINT! HINT!!!

      Because when they are in the newsroom, they are "busy" they are able to make conversations and develop relationships with anyone and everyone in the newsroom, especially the ND and GM. Those 5 minutes here and there add up. Plus they get all the calls, texts after their live shots going "wtf did you do?" They are also in all the meetings. So all this face time with Mg plays well for most

      SO unless they are on the bad side of management, they become very friendly with them. They are "known" and thus become valuable.

      They are also of the "look, look at me!" group, see where I am at, and who blessed to talk with me. in their defense, management has created this push, to self advertise, tease, etc at all times, just to "engage" and bring in viewers. just look at some of the IG feed of R/T, it's way too personal, sometimes bordering on soft porn even

      Photogs on the other hand, can't do their job unless they are in it. Need a shot out in the 5h!&, then you got to be in it. Get muddy, wet, stinky, etc to get the shot. we, yes tend to like it, as we are with the subjects of the story, telling their story directly, while royalty sits in the safety of the car, talking to to their fans. PJs are of the "look at pictures and sound of the story", it's not about me but the story. But we have our junior Spielbergs, wanting to make movies not journalism, filled with music, fancy shots, weird lighting

      PJs do not get to be in the newsroom without penalty. There is little to no time to meet n greet upper management. which feeds into their expendability to management
      If you are in the newsroom as a photog, the assignment desk will see you as available and send you out to something else. Only the ones who are working as a pair or on special projects have some immunity to this, by saying 'we are busy". So when they come into the station, they hide, thus limiting building relationships. A Photojournalist sitting around, is about 300k+ of gear sitting around gathering dust, it is TV = "Tell it with vision(pictures)". So get back in the field all you dirty ape photogs!

      As to value to the station, photogs always loose. R/T have a lot of money spent on them, training, marketing, etc. Plus almost all are on a 2-3 year contract, which has penalties for early release. Photogs, well, it is day by day, hour by hour... like the sands in an hourglass.... you can be fired, sold, or shot whenever, however, mum will be billed.

    3. A reporter usually makes 2-5x what a photojournalist makes, Talent, 3-20x. Photgs get money if they give up life and do OT

      most PJs have longer tenure, we love what we do and where we are at. Plus , no one will pay you anything if you move or even more...That and no one really goes headhunting for us. We can usually stay even if we are ugly, overweight, oddballs, wrinkled, grey or no haired, nitwits, incompetent even, etc. Plus we keep some really bad ones just to punish bad R/T, just to get them to quit

      R/T, it's by contract and then it depends on how cute you are, your looks, grey hair count, wrinkles... are they forming?, demographics you pull in, YOUTH, do you dress nice, do you smile and laugh when I make bad jokes as a manager, do you cause problems, does a child of someone big want your job, value ie cost, EOE, what the viewer ratings are for you, problems to management, are they still the flavor of the month, does your hair look ok, are you uppity? and somewhere at the bottom of the list ... ... ... ... ...is journalism talent

      if management does not like you, you get paired with the worst "photog" (usually the one who smells, looks ugly, incompetent, etc....or problem solver -that was me on all counts) and worst shift, work holidays, crappy stories, anything you complain about is dismissed, and ridiculed, open your mouth and get = red flagged, until they can dump you. plus, since you are with quasimodo, you can't build a great reel to land you a better job, so you end up getting a crappier job after you leave, if you get one at all

      If you are good or one of the Gods, you get the best PJ, a producer, extra staff, all the interns you like, coffee with all the fixings made in artisanal style by the hottest barista ( to you), a PJ who treats you like a muse, best lighting, best days off, the best stories, best shift, anything you say is hi-lited with rays of sunshine and the sounds of trumpets play in the background, dinner with wine with management, management who hangs on every breath you take, training, trips, and make bad jokes, actions... it is viewed as "boys will be boys" ha ha ha ha... all the goodies

      If you are someone who is needed for some reason in the line up, you get the middle, but you can say anything for the most part and pay little to no price, once in awhile you will get whack a moled just for good measure, build character

      PJs, well you are incompetent if you did not make the R/T look good or you did not get the shot the other station got or what I was expecting to see... like the "rain" I saw on radar, that never existed on location... or trespass on private property

    4. don't worry, there always a few golden child Pjs too, who can do no wrong, the prima donnas, artists, junior Spielberg's making "movies not reporting news

      Aso all this, sets up a toxic stew that can breed a lot of inner newsroom issues/resentments. If you have great management, then it is mostly diffused and handled, everyone improves, and viewers get great journalism

      most issues are related to week and poor management, people who were promoted up because they were in view within the newsroom too long, but with no leadership/coaching talents

      TV newsrooms have a very poor track record of team building, training, continued education, taking care of people (ALL the staff), etc
      Frankly have to say sadly, most managers are muppets. They need to learn from the tech field, who tend to know how to foster creatives in teamwork. yes that includes me when I was once a low end manager... :(

      Not knowing the story, but taking a guess based on years of experience; so as to these two, Mann was cheap to ax, to solve "the problem", a problem that probably has been ignored and pushed under the rug from her first day of hire, something that has been festering like a bad infection

      She is the golden child for now, for many reasons, cost being higher on the list than most. Talent honesty weighs very little into Mg view. Remember it is a business to make money, you hire to make money, not tell stories

      Unless she addresses it, she will get the cold shoulder of pretty much every PJ in the shop, getting only the least amount of effort needed, if that for every story she does. Which will only add more resentment. Photogs will feel belittled if they say anything, the orders will be "make it work." She will have the ear of Mgat all times.... until she pisses off that one or two rare PJ who Mg does listen to..then its bad marks for contact time...
      They will, if they hire someone, find someone she has worked with before, or put her with the 'problems solver" PJ, the Mikey of the staff - who works with anyone. if I was there, it would be me... :(
      Maybe she will earn the respect that she deserves, maybe not
      Come contract time we will see

  17. I think she's a pretty good reporter. All the haters in this thread sound like angry White people who, when the going gets tough or they get passed over, blame the minorities. So they hired an Hispanic? Um...there are TONS of hispanics in the Bay Area. Have you ever watched local news in Atlanta or Washington DC? Surprise--there are a lot of BLACK reporters/anchors? Look at Fox News: SURPRISE--there are a lot of blue-eyed BLONDES! Spare me the "this-is-a-major-market-so-they-should-hire-the-best-talent" bullshit. TV stations pretty much reflect their markets/audience.

    1. She may well have great talents( I don't know her): but, a newsroom is about teamwork to tell stories. Lack of teamwork, is management failing, at pretty much all steps

      As a Cracker Photog, I always enjoyed working with Minority Journalists, they were almost to one, the better Journalist, I learned more from all of them
      Somewhere there is an issue that Management has not, or will not address, that I think led to this blow-up
      Plus, we are speculating as to what happend and making judgement with little to any real knowledge of what happened

  18. John McCain said it best:

    Trump woke up the crazies.

  19. Thanks everybody with the overview of how your industry works and how the photo-personnel work with the on-air-reporters (I understand this might exclude KRON which has done a solo reporter & camera operator). Feel free to comment on how that worked or is working out.

    Any idea as to what days and which broadcasts Ms. Pena is usually seen? I still haven't seen her on KGO7 in the last two days of sampling KGO7's news. I understand not every assignment results in on-screen airtime. Thanks in advance.

  20. I think you should give Luz Pena a break. I'm a 73-year-old white guy with less than ideal hearing. But I have no trouble hearing or understanding Luz. I find her reports interesting and well done. I enjoy her reports.
