Saturday, February 13, 2021

Saturday Coffee Quick Schmooze

THAT SECRET MEETING at SF Mouse Hdqs served dual purposes: it established a new fiscal policy at 900 Front --you'll be seeing the effects soon--but it also was an addition (sort of) to the ABC BS, "Building a Better Bay Area"--people are so fed up with that crap, the Circle7 staffers among the top pissed-off people...UNTIL they take care of Mr. Ashley's extension, we should NOT take KGO seriously...SPEAKING OF PISSED OFF: KGO RADIO's John Rothmann who clearly is PISSED OFF because of CAL BASKETBALL interferring with his Trump2 Impeachment broadcasts and so am I...If you despises KNBR and its AWFUL sports-talk, go to the computer and/or smart phone and click up WFAN.COM for REAL TALK and no sound-effect BS...


  1. What no mention of Michael Krasny's farewell yesterday? (just kidding)

  2. Firing squads for the treasonous Dems.

  3. there are only two things that get john rothmann hotter under the collar about his precious air time being pre empted..if someone says democrat instead of democratic party, and the other is if cal mart runs out of turkey sandwiches..

  4. How long before The Game's new morning show is iced? It is profoundly awful.

  5. Why the photo of the City Hall rotunda?

  6. You don't like KNBR, which is fine. But any station that's held up in the ratings as well as it has for as long as it has can't objectively be called "awful". May not be your cup of tea, but obviously they've done some things right.
