Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The 415 Media Wednesday Extravaganza; KTVU/Fox Wants to 86 Vacar But They're Scared: They Should Be; Bunger Has Brain Fart; Refers to Matier as 'Chronicle' Insider; KTVU Zombie Factory; KRON Still KRON; KNBR: Irish Mafia; Mark Thompson Last Original Thought I've Got The Scoop; And Bonus One-Liners You'll Never See In The Chronicle

 HEY, to KTVU REPORTER and Bay Area Senior Correspondent Tom Vacar, KTVU and more specifically, Fox wants to see you go, either BUYOUT or fake retirement mode, but you want no part of that and they are scared of pushing the matter because they FEAR you'll SUE THEM if they tell you to leave.

It's this deal called AGE DISCRIMINATION and it's supposedly illegal, anyway I KNOW and know, so does the Bay Area.

*OOPS: Yeah, it was inevitable that KCBS' Stan Bunger would refer to its Phil Matier as the "Chronicle insider" this morning. I heard it as did several readers. Who knows, maybe Matier hasn't moved his bicycle outside Fifth and Mission.

*Meanwhile, the Chronicle hasn't been this dull since The Owl wrote about the stuffed meatballs at Alioto's. 

*When you get booted by NewsMax you know you're a damn idiot as the Pillow guy, Mr. Lindell now knows.

*Memo to Duane Kuiper and KNBR, there's a sale on cell phones at Best Buy. A new phone and clear line, hell, Kuip, that should get you a round of golf with Jeremiah Crowe at the very least.

*The reason why there's an abundance of very DULL and bad Bay Area TV News anchors is because they're very bad and dull.

*KTVU is mulling the very real prospect of 86ing their awful ND because of declining numbers and horrible morale--gees, if it weren't for the fact that Eikel is a woman, she'd have been gone Jessie moons ago.

*The problem, among many, is have you noticed how zombie-like, KTVU reporters look and especially at the top of the 10 PM News? Are they doing a live shot or auditioning for a remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"? Paging Azenith Smith. 

*I REMEMER when KTVU was appointment TV and

10 O' Clock News was a must watch --now it's pretty much

a lost cause --sorta like my love life.

*Fred Zehnder would have belly-laughed at Amber


*The IRISH MAFIA headquarters: KNBR.

*A dead canary would bring better ratings to The Game (95.7 FM) but you have to have human bodies, which reminds me, Entercom SF, how's that latest Morning Show doing?

*Greg Papa, taking about the 49ers recently constantly said, "we", funny, I didn't know Papa played for the Niners maybe I was misinformed or perhaps I'm feeling the effects of listening to too many Ronnnn Owens Reports.

*2021 SF Chronicle: a cleaner, thinner SF Examiner.

*That alleged weekend sports guy at KGO-TV makes Larry Beil look like Al Michaels.

*KRON has opened up a permanent display outside the San Leandro Macy's  to give bumper stickers and coffee mugs to new viewers. It's convenient, see, if KRON needs a new weather girl, they can just recruit from their kiosk there.

*SF Gate, 2021: Real Estate and where to get the "Bay Area's best pizza." Great journalism, Hearst.

*IF the Chronicle hired Joe Eskenazi I'd buy a subscription but that's not happening ever, ever and I can now buy my 7-11 coffee and a donut too, what a wonderful life.

*It could be worse: I could be a SF School Board member.

*"Rama from Fairfax" a frequent caller on KGO Radio, makes the guy who says Steven King killed John Lennon, look like Mark Twain.

*To be serious (for a change) Hal Holbrook aka, Deep Throat, dead at 95, damn. His "Follow the Money" spiel to Robert Redford (Woodward in 'All the Presidents Men') was better than a Peets coffee on a cold and miserable day, RIP.

*Terry McSweeney isn't moving on from NBC in San Jose to New Yawk so I guess old Terry is buring shots for the staff at the newsroom.

*Speaking of miserable, I give you the folks who work the night shift at KGO-TV 900 Front studios or better known as Napa State Hospital West.

*Trixie Watkowski-Silva: "If any of you fucks with me, I'll make you a janitor at KRON!" She could and would.

*Trix makes Aaron Pero look like the male Mother Teresa.

*KRON 2021, "Have you hugged your weather screens today?"

*When Ken Wayne is your most recognizable figure, you have a problem. Sort of like a radio station that literally hired a guy who used to be a butcher as one of its new team players. 

*Kate Scott: yeah, you're a real visionary. I myself moved from grits to oatmeal, Katie.

*BREAKING NEWS: Tom Tolbert is gonna talk about Pliney beer in Modesto with his new betting buddy, Brubert Bupkin, today on "TKB" and Rodney Brooks is just ginna cackle until he dies.

*Mark Thompson on KGO Radio, the last time Thompson had an original thought, "Penny Lover" from Lionel Richie was #1 on the Billboard charts. 

*Bret Burhart, yeah just a belly-laugh magnate --I hear Bret is celebrating --he's contemplating a new condo in Martinez. Party hardy.

*You can't read this shit in the Chronicle which is sorta why the Chronicle is what it is.

*If I hear "The GOAT" one more time from a sports-talk radio station, I'll kick Tom Brady's ass. 

*I don't pile on Bill Martin, shit, have you watched this guy on KTVU lately? Martin seems to either be on LSD or has been kidnapped by a cumulus cloud, my god what has happened to that guy? Bill has to stop daydreaming about Claud Mann.

*Andre Senior: the black George Reading? Hell no, at best 1 Judd Hambrick brother and Claudine Wong's wisdom tooth.

*Jan Wahl went on countless radio shows (including KGO) to tell the world her Larry King stories (she met him, once, while working at KRON) yeah, this is why the public doesn't trust the media.

*"You know, I used to work for Mike Dukakis." 


  1. Papa's use of "we" bothers me as much as when Bill King, Ray Fosse and another A's announcer, who I forget, used to bother me until I found out that they work for the team.

  2. "It's this deal called AGE DISCRIMINATION and it's supposedly illegal, anyway I KNOW and know, so does the Bay Area."

    Ha ha! Nearly everyone who works at a Silicon Valley tech company is under 35. One social media CEO—I forget who—even testified in Congress that they had "three people" who were over 35 in their company. He was impressed with himself!

  3. Hell, Hal Holbrook played Mark Twain longer than Samuel Clemens was Mark Twain. Boring.

  4. Are you saying Tom Vacar knows where the bodies are buried?

  5. Okay, Rich, you do these all the time so I'm going to do my own. Hope you enjoy:

    *KRON's new set aesthetics: Looks like a highrise that's tipping over. Are they now broadcasting from the Millennium Towers?

    *Bill Martin: Aricept® my friend, Aricept®.

    *Kyla Krogan: Be patient. Soon...

    *Mark Ibañez: Screw the Vinyl Room; I want to see the Leather Room and the Rubber Room, including the gimp hoods.

    *Pam Moore: Are you THAT in need of a paycheck? Seriously, it's embarrassing some nights...

    *Terisa Estacio: Rich may not know what a b**** you are, but *I* do.

    *Julie Haener: You shouldn't be permitted to buy tops without a station consultant at your side. Last night you were a pirate.

    *Ken Bastida: Don't ad-lib, for the love of God. And never try to be clever. You aren't.

    *Paul Hegen: A double shot of espresso before each weather hit.

    *Luuuuuuth Peña: Well, Rich has already said everything that needs to be said.

    *Candese Charles:
    I know you have to have a̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶q̶u̶o̶t̶a̶ diversity, but if that's the best that shows up to the minority job fair, Fox 2 should swallow hard and hire yet another Asian from a prestigious school.

    *Da Lin: The warmth and charm of a funeral parlor director.

    *Darya Folsom: Proof once they reach a certain point, all pets should be put down.

    *Katie Nielsen: You look like a Vegas hooker. There, somebody had to say it.

    *Rosemary Orozco: See above.

    *Anne Makovec: Lose 30 pounds, you'll be in Michelle Griego's chair.

    *Evan Sernoffsky: Learn to talk and be at least a tiny bit engaging. Oh, and John Stossel called; he wants his 1980s look back.

    *Julian Glover: NOT ready for prime time, sorry.

    *Wayne Friedman: I can't decide if you're Statler or Waldorf.

    *Kristen Sze: YOUR HIGHNESS!

    *Dennis Richmond: Timing is everything. How's retirement?

    *Elaine Corral: Almost as mythical as the Sasquatch. Or Marcia Lucas.

    *The revolving door of reporters—sorry, "VJs," on KRON: Don't forget you have Algebra I homework tonight.

    *Juliette Goodrich and Brian Hackney: The best anchor combo on Bay Area TV and they bury you on weekends. Smart, talented, good looking, and they never play for the cameras or make it about themselves. Just shows the suits in this business are Australopithecans. They wouldn't know the next Cronkite or Jennings if they tripped over him.

    1. Maybe they want ONLY weekends?

    2. "*Da Lin: The warmth and charm of a funeral parlor director."

      Anon 2/3 @ 6:59pm, he recently announced that his wife just had a baby. Last I heard, he's married to Erica Kato (former weathergirl at KRON, current spokesperson for SF Muni) -- sounds pretty warm and charming to me!

    3. BOOM! That was very entertaining

    4. > Maybe they want ONLY weekends?

      Hackney does not, and he's not happy about his under-utilized situation. Juliette might, but I think if you waved enough moolah in front of her she might change her mind. Most people do.

    5. > Last I heard, he's married to Erica Kato

      There's no accounting for taste.

  6. If anyone reading this thinks Tom Vacar is going to be fucked with, or fucked over by KTVU's brass, think again. He is an attorney, knows the law inside and out and it would be a big mistake if they tried to play any chickenshit games with him. Whoever wants him to either retire or take a buyout and go away better smarten up.

    1. I wish Vacar well, but proving an age-bias suit is an uphill battle. Remember about 10 years ago how Bill Schechner and John Lobertini sued PIX for the same thing. They lost because they weren't able to prove their was a pattern related to age in the layoffs at Channel 5.

    2. It's nearly impossible to prove. Even race discrimination is not easy to prove, but businesses usually don't fight it—not because they fear they'll lose, but because they don't want their buildings vandalized. Veiled threats of violence from the Reverend Jesse and Big Al are more effective than all the legal arguments in the world. That's something blacks learned in the sixties, which is why today they're attending colleges where they're way over their intellectual heads and sitting in government jobs they have no qualifications for. By Any Means Necessary.

    3. To anonymous @ 1:50 PM. Take your racist, bigoted crap and go elsewhere with it.

  7. Katie Nielsen may look like a hooker but I'm not complaining

  8. Papa can say we because if the Whiners ever win another Super Bowl he will get a ring

  9. Yes, I heard that Larry King commercial. I will NOT be that product!!! It'll kill you!!

  10. Where do you get 7-11 coffee and donuts?

  11. When does Bill Martin leave and Kyla start? I'm interested!
