Tuesday, February 2, 2021

KNBR --The Insufferable Giggle Leader; KGO's Chip Franklin Defends Trump on Impeachment; Giants Radio Deal with Knibber Still No Extension

 IT'S A NERVOUS LAUGHTER --or better yet, it's a totally useless, unnecessary and completely irritating pattern: a grotesque mass laughter, a cackle if you will, and it's a constant at the Sports Bleeder, especially from 2- 6PM with the gigglers galore: "TKB" --with Rodney Brooks and Larry Krueger, the ring leaders.

*MY GOD: Chip Franklin at KGO is defending the former president, saying it's worthless to bring an Impeachment trial to the Senate --he said today that "Trump really didn't commit sedition." 

Dear Chip: You're playing both sides of the fence now --has San Diego Chip infiltrated SF Chip?

*The Giants-KNBR contract runs out in less than a year and there's quite a bit of talk now of the real possibility of someone other than KNBR carrying their games after 2021. My feeling is that they'll be a deal (between the Giants and KNBR) --both parties have much to gain for a continuation because the Giants have really, no leverage and KNBR, even with a declining interest in baseball are old mayo without the Giants. It's like a cocaine relationship between the two: hard to divorce. I expect a deal.


  1. Chip, there you go again.

  2. Is Chip waking up on a Mr. Pillow now? Hoping for a post-presidential pardon for low ratings?

  3. I don't like new mayo. That said, could we Wayback Machine and have the Giants on KSFO, where they were in my youth?

  4. Charles "Chimp" Franklin is what we in the industry call an assclown.

  5. On a completely different note, KTVU has become completely unwatchable. Every anchor and reporter seems to be sleepwalking through their job.

  6. "*MY GOD: Chip Franklin at KGO is defending the former president, saying it's worthless to bring an Impeachment trial to the Senate --he said today that 'Trump really didn't commit sedition.'"

    1) I'll bet he considers himself a patriot.

    2) I'll bet he's never read the Constitution, except maybe for the last 14 words of the Second Amendment.

  7. His point was that it would be hard to prove, based on his exhortations to the crowd, that he was calling on them to storm the capitol. I think the behind the scenes stuff would show a conspiracy to do exactly that.

  8. Per 5:44, also on a different note, despite so many respected talents at Circle7, I wonder how many are even starting to find KGO-TV unwatchable as long as there is too much "authority". For those who watched the Tuesday 4PM newscast just after the Matier segment and before Christian's weather forecast, there was the example of too much "authority".

  9. Chip Franklin is once again San Diego Chip. He has lived in San Diego for almost a year now.

  10. I always knew Chimp was full of MyPillow stuffing.

  11. What I found interesting about Chip Franklin's conversation about that is that he took more then ONE call. It seems like the parts of the shows I hear, they do not take more then 1 call, if that.

  12. We all know Trump fomented the attack on the Capitol. Yet Chip is correct. In a court of law nothing that Trump said has a direct link to him telling the rioters to attack. Trump is the master of mafia speak. He can tell you exactly what he wants you to do without actually saying it. Intentions are not the same as actually saying it. Also we know full well that the Senate will never have enough votes to convict. When he is acquitted he will be able to hold up another newspaper and play the victim that was viciously attacked by those horrible liberals. Don't play into their hands and give them meat for the 2022 elections

    I say let the southern district of New York get ahold of him and convict him for tax evasion. Then like Al Capone we can find a nice prison to stick him in to rot.

  13. Sorry, but the whole impeachment thing is a lame dog and pony show presented by the usual attention whores and virtue signalers. There won't be 17 republican votes, it's a waste of time and resources. God forbid these clowns do any real work.

  14. It’s nice that he books Alex Stone every day to explain the news back at him. His interview with Leo Laporte was embarrassing. A guy who thinks the Internet was invented in the early 90s explaining how the Internet works to someone who’s been a technology expert his entire life.
