Thursday, February 4, 2021

Sad and Funny: KSFO Just Ran a Larry King Prostate Med Ad

 KSFO, who' minding the store?

9: 30 AM, they just ran a prostate ad with Larry King voicing the spot. I'm serious.

If it weren't so sad, it would  be funny.

Knowing Larry, he'd be laughing now but hell, again, was this some sort of a joke? Had to be.


  1. They were running that commercial yesterday too. He's talking about the prostate supplement making him "feel like a champ" now. He sullied his reputation by pushing snake oil on gullible people.

    1. He could have retained his reputation, by pushing Big Pharma dope on gullible people. Stay up late, get bombarded with ads for dubious overpriced "alternatives." Watch the CBS Evening News, and get bombarded with ads for dubious and overpriced hard drugs from equality shady/greedy business entities.

      Selling poisons and potions is a lucrative crooked business.

  2. Same ad ran during the A&G show this morning in the 6am hour.
    Elvis makes plenty of money still and he is been dead for???

    Wish we could all be that lucky.

  3. Most men will have prostate cancer by the time they are his age. Most will die of other causes, long before a slow growing prostate cancer can get them, as he did.

  4. On another note, did you see that story in this morning's Chron with the half-page photo of a guy holding up a picture of the late Jeff Adachi? The story by Sam Whiting was about some uplifting moving they're doing about Adachi. But there was no mention of his suspicious death, the cocaine, the mystery woman from Colombia, the leaked police report, etc. The story only said this about the death: "Adachi, who died suddenly at age 59 ..." Editors may change, but the Chron remains the Chron. I hear that somebody's doing a documentary about Larry Baer, the humanitarian, and they're going to say that incident with his wife was just him borrowing a cellphone.

  5. Heard that, too an couldn't believe what I was hearing

  6. His estate cashing in

  7. Now that's a true broadcasting giant. Even death won't stop him!

  8. Some channel in the 100's or 200's on Uverse still runs Larry King infomercials.

  9. I've seen him on those late night infomercials, in the last few days. Definitely have a tinge of sadness, when I've seen those spots.

    Whether Larry is alive or dead, "gotta sell product." SMH.

  10. CNN ran Anthony Bourdain for months after he popped himself. I couldn't believe it. But, never liked him anyway.

  11. Larry King had tried a number of different prostate products over the years and nothing really worked for him. Then he tried ProstaGenix and it literally changed his life, and changed it fast! He can now sit through a baseball game without getting up to go to the men's room. He doesn't have to look for a bathroom all the time.

  12. Rich, its just a national radio ad. Its currently running running Bay Area wide and Santa Cruz as well.
