Tuesday, February 2, 2021

No Bull: Jeremiah Crowe's Absolute Power at KNBR; Golf With Murphy, Papa, Tolbert and Lund; 'Little People' Suffer

 Jeremiah Crowe, KNBR/Cumulus PD,  to curry favor with what he perceives as the important people --he's drawn up a list: those that are "worthy' and those that are not, the so-called, "little people"


Crowe, who smiles about as often as two blue moons in a month, has built up a wall --because so few of KNBR's talent is actually, physically at the station because of the virus, Crowe has to do his kiss-ass via email and cell.

Produces, especially the senior one, a guy named Mike Hohler, (who produces the Papa-Lund show from 10-2 PM) is one of Crowe's hand-picked workers and one that has become a Crowe favorite. How so? Hohler enjoys free reign at the KNBR compound. And frequent golf time with Crowe. Hohler watches the place or as a KNBR spy tells me, "he's sort of Jerry's snitch."


Crowe plays a lot of golf with Brian Murphy and Tom Tolbert. They aren't talking exclusively about their golf game on the fairway. Mostly they talk about some of the things they want to pursue; what they hope to accomplish.

Tolbeert wants more free beer and betters on the show. Murphy wants more power and that means his voluminous amount of power, (whatever that is at the Bleeder) is cnsumed in days off, schedule, days off during the holidays and perks, (like playing golf with Crowe and getting pad for it) Murphy too likes his days off and extra spots and brownie points including time kibutzing with people like Larry Baer and Charles Johnson.

Greg Papa gets considerable juice (influence) at KNBR's real and unreal Jeremiah Crowe wall. Papa is John Lund's boss and don't you forget it. How so? Lund doesn't cackle at those awfully un-funny jokes for nothing. He knows that Papa (and by extension) Crowe, make sit abundantly clear: either do or do not do and face the consequences. Lund may be a totally straight-forward doofus on the air and not, but he's not a total fool. Which is why he he obeys orders and that includes putting up with Papa's power trip.

It's good for him and he gets to play golf with Crowe.

Meanwhile, the little people that put the station on the air are granted no such leisure ways and actually have to work to make a living and put in 50-60 hours of labor. They go about their business and don't give a crap about golf, just hope they can cash a paycheck and feed their family.


To be continued...


  1. Actually, that entire post is BS. Who gives a flying f*ck about the pecking order amongst the minuscule programming staff at the Sports Bleeder? Every one of those guys would give their left nut if only Mike Lindell would start advertising again.... sigh....

  2. KNBR is a joke. Unlistenable now.

  3. In other words, it's just like any other corporate situation. Those at the top get perks, the worker bees don't. That's pretty much how life works, and not quite newsworthy.

  4. As bad as the Giants are, their games on the radio is still better than KNBR programming
