Monday, February 1, 2021

Monday Mayhem; Phil Matier isn't Going to the 49ers but Matt Ryan is; No Truthiness at Chronicle; Jeremiah Crowe is still a Schmuck; Papa Excess; Lund Matrimony Not So Sexy; Send in the Clowns


*Matt Ryan to the 49ers and Jimmy G back to the Bostonians in Patriot uniforms --if I'm right, you read it here first.

*I'm laughing this morning: one of the BIGGEST trades ever in NFL lore; one that has been on the talk-show nadir and even non-sports domain since it broke on Saturday night and yet, where's KNBR? Talking about the Giants and baseball, barely a mention. Which is why KNBR is NO sports station but a PR machine for Larry Baer and Charles Johnson.

*KOIT has a successful business model which is built around generic Top 40 hits and seemingly eternal Christmas music; that's all fine and dandy but it would be great if the corporate bullies STOPPED screwing with its highly successful morning show and instead, picked on someone their own size. Hard to do, but doable.

*When Brian Murphy draws sympathy from the devil because he has to work alongside (even remotely) that pompous, LOUD, no-talent HACK named Paulie Mac, that takes quite a bit of doing. On the other hand, Murphy himself, a downright Marin white-privileged asshole, is by no means a cool dude.

*If Murphy were paid by his use of words, :dude" and "Copes", he'd be Bill Gates.

*Hey, Phil Matier, the person of truth, it's downright pathetic that your Chronicle gig was highjacked by Hearst suits who cut you off, early, (even after 35 years) so they could save the paper money, that's the truth. Phil, I know you got a sweet buyout and I know they took care of you but this "I'm moving on" BS is just that, BS. You know it, I know it, and now the public knows it.

*TRUE TO FORM, on his KCBS morning gig, Matier was not even asked by the PR flack himself, the Alameda SHILL, Stan Blunder,  about his ABRUPT Chron departure, which should have been a sign that something was sort of weird, but Bunger's not about truthiness, but if you want to chat about a Marin headwind? He's all ears.

*The Chronicle, yes, has been a non-factor for years, but still worth reading for the columns and Doonesbury -still, I can't remember such a sad state of affairs since the demise of the Examiner. Reminds me of the late, great, Jason Robards portrayal of WashPost's EIC, Ben Bradlee's "give it to the SF Chronicle" retort in "All the President's Men."

*If the SJ Merc were to go kaput, then we could be a region of 10 million folks without a legit daily because the Chronicle is on life support. Unknown bylines, a slew of zero-cred writers and a paper thinner than Karen Carpenter. 

*KGO Radio? Had 9/11 happened when there was a Cal Basketball game on would you have allowed the broadcast to continue? I'm joking of course but seriously, I don't know anymore.

*John Rothmann, the angry host who was cut short by that great content provider, Cal basketball, was, yes, PISSED OFF last Thursday night and he should have been. Because there's no place he'd rather be, except at KGO last Thursday night.

*Pat Thurston does a hard, thorough job within parameters that sometimes make sit very difficult, so yeah, I'm a fan. Even when I think Pat goes a bit overboard, I'm still a believer. And I also know she doesn't broadcast her show based on whether she's kissing up to a cruise ship provider.

*Rigo Chacon, meet Luuuuuuz Pena. 

*Yo, Copes, less giggle even if it means less golf playing time with the boss and Murphy, because it's an assault on the ears.

*SPEAKING OF THE DEVIL, KNBR PD, Jeremiah Crowe, one of the biggest assholes in this town, curries favor with the non-air people by taking them out to Burger King and golf tours. Crowe, an enabled Philly whore, whose white, non-people-skills, made him a Cumulus favorite, has about as much warmth as a Clovis strip mall. 

*Actually, Crowe is a really swell guy. It was he that argued that the Safeway gift card be increased from 15 to $20 bucks for the KNBR little people, those that he doesn't play golf with but are literally responsible for making sure KNBR is on the air.

What a cool dude, Jerry is, or as Murph's golf partner would say, "DUDE!"

*If you look up "White Privilege" in the dictionary, Crowe's bearded face is next to the meaning.

*Greg Papa's gargle laugh and John Lund's ass-kissing and new-wife chatter, I can't figure out what's more invigorating, tell me.

*Lund I'm sure told his new love that tickets on the 50 for Niner's games would be no problem as long as she went ahead with the nuptials because, you know, getting married again, at 53,  was on the bucket list.

*Which explains why Lund had a facelift not so long ago.

*PAPA: you are NO Bill King and not even a smidgen of Lon Simmons and Hank Greenwald.

The reason why you are on so many shows, as you once told me, is because you have a lot of overhead to pay for.

So, let's just say, you're lucky enough that the NBC and Cumulus suits, pay you. Until you get overused and middle-aged grump and tell a 26 year-old Danville Starbucks barista that she's simply adorable then? "TOUCHDOWNNNNNNNNNNNNN San-Fran-cisco!"

*Martin Wyatt up in Washington (State) maybe the coolest sports anchor ever in Bay Area history --including Mark Ibanez.

*The housewives of KTVU has a certain ring to it.

Send in the clowns.


  1. Mr. Crowe looks more jihadi than "white privilege".

    1. Agreed. This minority privilege is killing us.

    2. @11:10 KIlling us, decimating local news broadcasts, not to mention national news. Badly biased news, in whatever direction, is worthless, not to mention dangerous...

  2. The Matier retirement news has been floating around since Thanksgiving.
    Not sudden at all

    1. @ 10:42
      Either way, good riddance. He won't be missed.

  3. KGO is NO real news station but a PR machine for Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat party. Fixed it for you.

    1. So listen to KSFO not a real news station just a PR machine for Trump and some in the Republican Party, depending if they are Trump supporters or not. Fixed for you.

    2. Both are true, sadly. A few months ago, when they started this "Building a better Bay Area together" crap, Dan Ashley came on one night and said something to the effect that they aren't going to do stories that "focus on the negative" anymore (ie, all the blacks committing crime) but rather only show the truly positive stories in the Bay Area (ie, elevating that stupid inauguration poet into a demigod). I stopped watching after that (and I used to WORK there, before Trixie hijacked the place when it was actually good). They are no longer a news station. They are "Fox Left."

    3. I posted the comment at 11:57 I was talking about KGO radio, since I don't watch local news. However, I'm pretty sure 11:04 would say the same about KGO radio. So my comment is still relevant.

    4. by the way another way to get under rothmann's skin is to say the democrat instead of democratic party, which i agree with him on, but he always over reacts when a caller says it and bites their head off..

    5. @12:50p.m. Absolutely agree with you! I don't know anything about the inside baseball of station politics, but the quality of "news" on KGO has fallen through the floor...

  4. That's insulting to Rico Chacon

    1. Rigo was classic and I always got a kick out of the way he said his name. Pena is hard to listen to. She talks like she has asthma. And that accent. Sheesh.

  5. Lund is horrible/childish. That shrill voice is so irritating. How he has lasted this long in this market is beyond me. He's more Butte Montana or Provo Utah. A complete waste of time.

  6. I believe the rest of the line in All The President's Men "was they'll print anything"

  7. Rumors of Matier buyout began weeks ago.

  8. Someday the Bay Area will have an actual sports talk station again. It's pathetic that a market as large as this one doesn't. KNBR The Sports We Feel Like Covering Leader.

  9. "If the SJ Merc were to go kaput, then we could be a region of 10 million folks without a legit daily"

    True and very alarming.

  10. The photo of Papa and Lund says it all. This is what KNBR projects to the sports world -- utter buffoonery and sophomoric humor.

  11. Rich, do you have some direct experience with Brian Murphy and/or Paul Mccaffrey? It's well established that you aren't a fan of their work, but calling Murphy an asshole? Not liking his on-air work doesn't make him an asshole, so I gather you have something more to base this on?

  12. John rothman was so mad he threatened to lock himself in the raymond burr bathroom at cal mart and not come out untill someone brought him his favorite nixon biography

  13. "10 million folks without a legit daily." And 25 will notice.

  14. Just looked at the national sports websites, and there was not a single note let alone rumor about Ryan going to the 49ers and Jimmy G going back to the Patriots. Don't know how much Ryan would help the Niners behind a bigger line and lesser receivers, but Jimmy G going back to Foxborough won't matter, because the Bills will remain great and if Tua matures some more, the Dolphins will be better. Not expecting the Jets to do more than double, perhaps triple their win total, even with Robert Saleh improving their D.
    The local sports stations won't change their schtick any time soon.

  15. I just hope, KOIT doesn't mess with Jack Kulp!!!

  16. Jeremiah Crowe a bigger Assholes than KRON's Pero????

  17. Once again your tidbits are too cryptic for the common person. Saturday night trade? I have no idea. I am not a sports fan. KOIT morning show changes...I don't listen, please give me the details.

  18. "*KGO Radio? Had 9/11 happened when there was a Cal Basketball game on would you have allowed the broadcast to continue?..."

    NO, the paid programming or basketball would play on unless a boss directly intervened; there is some precedent for that when news happens, but as a matter of policy we stick with what's logged. The operator on duty (talent or otherwise) is not authorized to change the scheduled programming.

    1. KGO immediately cut over to abc during the riots. When Biden clinched the election (on a Saturday) they went with abc until local hosts were in place. During the fires they brought in Bret and Rothmann in on a Sunday morning. Program Directors monitor their stations and can reach the control room in seconds. That’s why it’s called a hot line.

  19. SFGate the the Chronicle don't even have the weather now.

  20. Wednesday morning Stan still referred to Phil as a Chronicle insider. He must be living under a rock.

  21. There's no way Matt Ryan is leaving Atlanta. If the Falcons trade him before June 1, he'll count $49million in "dead money" against the team's salary cap. If he's traded after June 1, he'll "only" count $40million. He signed a five-year contract after the 2018 season which guarantees him $100million. So Atlanta is stuck with him for a couple of more years.
