Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Alleged 'All-News' KCBS was Running Useless Traffic and Weather When FBI Had Capitol Mall Presser

 During the FBI presser on the Capitol Mall attacks, where was the so-called, "News Leader?" That would be all news, KCBS, and where were they?

How about running useless traffic reports and a dumb weather report even when there's NO traffic and NO weather!



  1. People are over it. Only left wing politicians and places like CNN are milking it for every drop they can. Never let a good scandal go to waste.

    1. Yeah, a literal attack on the nation’s Capitol building isn’t newsworthy in the moderate to liberal Bay Area... That’s why Republicans are on board and the joint chiefs who rarely discuss politics have issued a statement of condemnation. Those rabid left-wingers! Let me guess... Beating police to death is OK as long as you’re not protesting systemic racism? You definitely speak for the majority of citizens in the Bay Area. *golf clap*

    2. Spoken like a true Trump kool aid drinker 2:14. This was a bloody murderous attack on our seat of democracy and you call it a "scandal" and we should get over it. I seem to remember people like you losing your sh** when Obama wore a tan suit, used a selfie stick, put his feet up on his desk, ordered dijon mustard on his sandwich, or gave the latte salute. Yet we're supposed to get over an attack that has made our Capitol Building a crime scene.

      Where the supposed law and order side was beating and killing police officers. If the Vice President or any of the Congress would have been captured they probably would have been killed. These terrorist vandalized and ransacked the biggest symbol of what this country stands for and you don't care. People like you make me frightened for our future. How can anyone accept what happed that day

    3. Poor Marc with a c is triggered. 2:14 is right. A good majority of Americans are over it. They're more concerned about when they'll finally get their vaccine and can go about their lives.

      If it had been a left wing mob it would have gotten half the airplay its getting in places like CNN and HuffPo. Oh wait, there was a left wing mob. Many of them in fact. And they did barely get a mention, even after burning down cities and businesses. Where was the "outrage" then? Journalists with a "tear in their eye" now weren't so teary eyed then. Hypocrisy at its finest.

    4. If it had been a Biden mob there would have been far less outrage from the outlets feigning outrage.

    5. Well 6:55 at least I'm man enough to not act tough while being an anonymous keyboard cowboy.

      Did I say anything about the BLM protest? I didn't condone the damage done during those either. Also I seem to remember the BLM protests in Washington DC being pretty peaceful until Trump decided to do his walk to that church. Then it was the protesters that were attacked for just being on the street a couple away.

      To equate the Jan 6th event with the BLM protest is sad and weak on your part. No matter how you feel about politicians or party affiliation. Storming, vandalizing, looting and committing murder inside the Capitol Building should bother you. Democracy is fragile and it requires work to maintain. Don't come crying if it falls because people like you think events like the 6th are okay and forgettable.

    6. You conveniently pick one peaceful "protest" and gloss over the takeovers in other cities. The fires, looting, businesses destroyed, public property vandalized, people terrorized, square blocks of cities taken over for months. And yes, someone was murdered. A retired black former police captain in St Louis who was trying to stop them...caught on video. Amongst others who lost their lives in connection with the actions of those lawless, reckless, violent mobs.

    7. Thanks for the reply Mark SJ. I think we could have a great discussion in person and I appreciate you putting a name to your comment.

      One thing to add. I have family in both Minneapolis and Portland. Both of them said (and still say) the same thing. The protests there were limited to a small section of town. The news coverage can make a couple block protest look much larger than it is. I was watching Hannity one night and he had a big list on the screen as he was talking about the incredible damage done to federal facilities in Portland. I paused my TV and looked at his huge list of terrible damage. Almost all of it was simple graffiti.

      No "cities" have been burned down. Again I absolutely do not condone the destruction, looting, vandalizing, or attacks of any property or humans in any protest. If the Capitol protester had just stayed outside and did their thing peacefully then I say more power to them. Once they broke in and became dangerous thugs that's where my sympathy stops. I'm out.

  2. Rich while I understand your frustration, I wonder if you will be doing a blog on Cumulus decision to ask their right wing hosts (Levin, Hannity and others) to scale back on the rigged election etc. I think in radio world that is a very important story. I'm waiting to see how it plays out. I listened a little to Levin yesterday, wanted to hear if he heeded the advise. Couldn't tell he was ranting and raving as he usually does, can only listen to a few minutes of him.

  3. KCBS is going haywire... Even the sports segment with the "RAT" goes live in the the morning and afternoon but early evening when the games are just finishing up your get Peter Finch or some other broadcaster with the local scores...than a taped version of the rest of the scores.

    1. There really isnt a need to have live sports at 1 to 6 a.m. - ain't a whole fuck of a lot going on.

  4. Must have been a short "presser" if took place during the time it takes to do weather and traffic.
