Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Ronnnnn Thought Maria Bartiromo Was a Rising Star Before She Was


MR. Softie, aka, Ronn Owens, called her (Maria Bartiromo) a "rising star" not so long ago. It was at a lunch at Original Joe's. Owens was dining with Willie Brown. He (Ronn) said she'd be "big." To be fair, we all did--that is, we all thought she would be big and, yes, a rising star. That was twenty years ago.

Then this happened.

Of course Ronn was thinking more about the non-business Maria and that's not a shock.


  1. Rich - she has been a "star" for many many years. A rising one at that. I remember when Ross McGowen interviewed her on MO2 - back in 99/00 and introduced her as "The Money Honey"....she was visibly pissed off.

  2. She used to be good when she stayed in her financial lane. Now she is just kooky

  3. She was big enough for Joey Ramone to write a song about her

  4. Total fox, but the least intelligent contestant I have ever seen on Celebrity Jeopardy.

  5. Since Baritomo switched from CNBC to FBN a decade or so ago, Joey Ramone has been rolling in his grave.

  6. She's an idiot with rubber lips.

  7. Everybody raves about how "hot" she is. I think she looks like a space alien.

  8. Old Willie knows a thing or two on how to find future "stars", schmooze them, fuck them, and then appoint them to positions of power. See: Vice President Kamala Harris.

  9. Same with Trish Regan who used to broadcast from the Bay Area. Then went right wing after working at Fox (fake and fixed news).
    Lovely legs though.

  10. 1-13-21 12:49 She's a lot of things, idiot is not one of them. Her net worth is north of 30 million dollars. Very intelligent woman. As for the two losers that think she's not attractive, the last time either one of you got decent piece was about the same time Carter signed the Mideast Piece Treaty.
