Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Melba Toast Mark Thompson Talks About his Cats on KGO While The World (USA TOO) Goes To Hell

 THERE'S NO NEWS RIGHT? Other than a national-international pandemic; a nation under siege; growing unemployment; people, millions lining up in front of food shelters; oh, and and an act of sedition by the current POTUS.

That's all.

And today on the 810 AM news-talk station, Mark Thompson, (KGO 1-Noon) spent the better part of twenty minutes talking about his cats. I'm maybe generalizing, perhaps it was ten minutes but it was long and even in normal times, it would have been long.

Thompson, who LOVES to talk\about himself a lot (part of the Ronnn Owens technique) would be barely tolerable if enough people cared about him and his cats. The problem is, A., no one cares about Thompson because he's BORING. If people even gave a damn, Thompson's missive about his cats would generate a skip but again, nobody gives a crap. B. Thompson thinks he has to go light even when most people are still fixated on the Capitol mobs. Nobody I know, even animal lovers, is fixated on their  animals. Too bad Mark didn't seem to get the memo.

I cannot believe Thompson still has a gig at KGO because his show is so lame, so empty, so banal, even kids with a quarter brain think it's crappola, like the goldfish still alive in an old fish tank. Thompson doesn't offer anything new and his humor is about as funny as a Mort Sah-l Merv Griffin rerun from 1976. Old and reeking sour. 

Moreover, Thompson is still broadcasting from LA and not SF. OK, no biggie, but this is live and local? I thought that was the mantra. And would it kill Thompson's alleged producer to book a guest reporter from the Washington Post to talk twenty minutes about how's it going in DC, say, or what's the Inauguration look like.

Instead, we get Melba Toast Thompson talking about his cats.

My God.

What an abomination.


  1. There's much worse on KGO...hearing Mark Thompson talk about his cats is 1000 times better than hearing about Nikki Medoro's kids again.

    1. Mark Thompson is not my favorite, and part of his show is not very interesting, but other parts are. I like his interview with David Cay Johnson and Joe Firoulo and other political pundits and media critics. Also when he analyze current event and give his opinions I find him interesting. So I take what I can, there isn't much else on that time of the day that is not extreme right wing. Mark is also way better than some of the host that have been on KGO since all the good hosts were fired.

  2. Chip Franklin is also not live and local. He broadcasts from San Diego, where he has been for over 10 months.

    1. Chimp is back in San Diego? Now THATS funny.

  3. No Chip Franklin lives in the Lafayette area. I heard him mentioning it several times. He might have lived in San Diego when he started with KGO, but not anymore.

    1. He’s talked about going back and forth to a little place he was renting in Lafayette. He’s been back in SD during the pandemic. He’s always mentioning his son moving back in. I’ve even noticed he hesitates every time he says his son manages a Safeway. Read: Vons. It’s very common for hosts to present themselves as local.

  4. Perhaps you are unaware, but cat and dog adoptions at shelters all across the nation have gone sky high.. People find great companionship in these animals. Lest you think that because you don't know diddly about cats and dogs, no one else cares, be advised that you are wrong. Cats and dogs create great diversion and solace from our twin crises.

  5. Thompson is an insult to the cat owners I'm friends with. Other cats would run from his banal act. I'm surprised Cay Johnson hasn't stepped away from his banality.

  6. Good hell! What has happened to Mark Thompson's face? He looks like my old ouma. Somewhere someone is missing their granny.
