Thursday, January 14, 2021

Send In the Clowns --KGO Radio Nixes Regular Shows for Cal Basketball


Seriously, I just asked a KGO source if it's possible that a legitimate (in theory) news-talk station could shelve its regular programming and go to, get this, CAL BASKETBALL! ??


  1. KGO hasn't been a news station forever..No reporters, no reporting, just some rip and read..

    1. Besides the brief failed experiment as a news station, it’s always been a Newstalk station. There are multiple news writers, a morning anchor, two alternating news anchors in the afternoon, and an additional reporter in the morning. Not bad considering the company emerged from bankruptcy a few years ago. News is an expensive business and they haven’t given up completely. Local news twice an hour. Have you ever worked for a cash-strapped company with over a billion dollars of debt? Which station was doing mostly commercial-free impeachment coverage all morning and into the afternoon yesterday? It’s wasn’t the so-called news leader.

  2. Great picture of Chip!

  3. Who gets to tell Pat her show is being chopped for an urgent, widely demanded historically significant Cal basketball game? Must be fun.

  4. Yeah. I turned it on and thought they had changed formats

  5. It’s a business. Cumulus came out of bankruptcy in 2018 with $1,300,000,000 in debt and currently has 3,646 full-time employees. They can’t afford to turn away the money when they are obligated to the shareholders of an $8 stock. Regardless, discussing the news one day after an impeachment is not emergency coverage. They are legally bound to the contract.
