Thursday, January 14, 2021

Bay Area TV News Stations on High Alert This Coming Weekend and Beyond


A Bay Area-based broadcast source tells me ALL TV (and to a lesser degree) radio stations are on HIGH ALERT: Why?

Several of the outlets have been harassed and threatened by goons (no protesters) claiming to be Pro-Trump agitators who are thought to be planning their mayhem, a la, Capitol Hill attack style, this weekend through Inauguration day.

No Bay Area TV News station has been directly targeted or threatened but there's growing tension and a huge level of talk from the bosses that are on an extremely urgent level of "high-capacity observance" of potential trouble.

This weekend, I'm told, TV News reporters in the field have been warned to be on the lookout for potentially "aggressive groups" who might be troublemakers and are urged to "be smart" and not to seek confrontation.

I KNOW one high profile reporter from PIX who told me flat out, "I'm scared. And I have kids. I don't want to be out there." 


  1. Funny how top executives at the networks are told about left-wing protests before they happen. Remember right before the election, people in TV news were warned that there would be massive and violent protests if Biden lost? They were told to have enough food on hand at the TV station in case they were not able to go home in a week. Odd how management knew that was going to happen. Of course Biden won, so nothing happened until the Capitol melee last week. Who are the top executives in television coordinating with?

  2. I say bring 'em on. I'm a photog at at station (which shall go unnamed). No one knows this (it would stun my co-workers if they knew I have one--everyone thinks I'm just a regular guy), but I do have a CCW permit--and I do have a 9mm as part of my "hidden gear." I regularly go to the ranges at Coyote Pt. and San Leandro (been doing so for 10+years). I will not hesitate to use it to protect me, my reporter, or my van.

    1. While your permit is fine, and using it to protect yourself and your reporter from grievous bodily injury is also fine, using it to protect a van is not fine. You can not use deadly force to protect property.

    2. Your gonna surrender your freedom for many years because you want to protect the company van? You make me ashamed to be an avid shooter.

    3. Lighten up, Frances.

    4. one knows I carry. I decided to purchase a handgun after the hearing/seeing my colleagues get mugged while doing live shots (plus--blowing off a box or two at the ranges is fun!) So far I haven't had to use it. But I won't hesitate to do so.

      PS--no, I'm not a Republican...nor a member of the NRA. I'm actually a lifelong Democrat.

  3. I suppose the good news is that no matter how bad the riots or mayhem or whatever else may fall upon us, that KCBS will give us traffic and weather every 10 minutes!

    1. Now here's KCBS traffic. It's clear sailing to get your protest. And now the weather - it's a nice day to participate in the said protest.

  4. Did they issue the same warnings over the past summer when thugs I mean "protesters" set multiple cities and police stations on fire and murdered some people?

  5. They call them antifa

  6. Psyche-Ops personally choreographed by the Bay Area Busby Berkeley of pernicious partisan propaganda, aka Nancy Pelosi and Da Gang! Enjoy.
