Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Rocky Start for ex-Circle7 News Anchor Eric Thomas on KCBS Debut

 IT WOULD BE IDEAL TO BEGIN YOUR NEW RADIO GIG on a morning when a big storm makes its way into the Bay Area--in theory at least but that was NOT the case with new, ex-KGO-TV anchor, Eric Thomas.

Thomas, who said he was "retiring" but was actually beginning a new phase of his career, Disney-less from Circle7, debuted on the all-news KCBS overnight --right about the time when the big rain/wind extravaganza hit the bay region.

Unfortunately, Thomas' debut was quite a storm itself; not the cool, calm and collected waters he or we all would have hoped for. Enough of the weather metaphors, right. Right.

Thomas constantly was INTERUPTED by his own sound board which blurted commercials over his own voice. In addition, Thomas talked over, repeatedly, traffic anchor, Victor Zaragoza. Plus, Thomas was constantly saying, "uh." 

Things got progressively worse.

At the beginning of a phone interview with a guy from the National Weather Service, Thomas began the interview with "So, I guess up in the Sierra, there having some 'white outs and that's rare." "Well", said the NWS official, no, it's not so rare. 


Several minutes of dead air was also a constant. Someone could have prepared for all this; someone, I guess, could have--knowing it was Thomas' first broadcast, could have helped him along? But I guess that would require a little talent and common sense. No dice.

Once Thomas got the bugs out of the way, he was just fine. Too bad he had to deal with some lengthy hiccups at the beginning.


  1. Yeah is was a rocky start for Eric but he finished ok.

  2. Any chance he will replace any anchors on KPIX 5 since KPIX and KCBS Radio are under CBS and weather anchors do report on KCBS radio?

    1. I don't think KCBS is under the CBS umbrella anymore. In fact, didn't Rich report something about KCBS is being forced out of the KPIX building?

  3. I wish Eric the best in this new endeavor. Met him years ago in my fire station and we have been friends ever since.

  4. Jim Taylor should be doing the news full time.

  5. Rich, am I missing something or did Viacom and Entercom reconnect for CBS Radio? I read your blogs all the time, and I need a refresher on Entercom returning to Viacom-CBS, if there is such a thing.

  6. I didn't hear Eric.....BUT - I can attest to the fact that the KCBS audio board is one of the more poorly designed boards I have had to deal with in my 40+ years in radio.
    It has double feeds for some audio pots - the volume controls for audio sources.
    In other words, some of the audio sources have double inputs. Switch it to 'A' and you have a commercial feed while flipping it to 'B' means you hear a remote reporter.
    QUALITY stations have individual pots for each audio input. The commercial is on pot 1 while the reporter is on pot 3, for example.
    NOT(!!!) both on one pot, one on 'A' and the other on 'B' which requires you to switch the pot whilst intro-ing the reporter.
    In addition, most stations, over my years, had ONE computer screen which combined the news content with the commercial breaks. The news anchor would see each element, new story or commercial, in the order they should air.
    Scroll from one to the next on a SINGLE screen and, by pressing the ‘START’ button, start the next element.
    Not at KCBS, though!! The scheduled content is on multiple screens requiring the anchor to manipulate several mice (mouses?).
    I know, it sounds like it should be simple....but it really isn't.
    Bottom line - if you have not had EXTENSIVE training on the KCBS board and the computer screens - you are screwed. You sound like an idiot. I was there - - Eric deserves a break before he is roasted on your barbeque spit.

    1. What moron of an engineer came up with that idea? You would think it's Radio 101A to have it on separate pots. And I have been hearing the constant errors so you would think to have it go back to the traditional way. Did KCBS hocked their high end board to go with something from Best Buy or Walmart to save on inputs? Or did KCBS do what other outlets are doing by automating the process and not have as many Board Ops. Too bad, considering Radio is one of the easiest to do if formatted correctly (been in the biz as well for about 32 years). Did some former radio engineer at DVC, Chabot, Ohlone or CSM Jr College come work for KCBS for cheap?
