Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Oh Hell, I Got Your Atmospheric Rivers Right Here; Weather Fatigue' Overrated: Savidge and Holmes; KTVU Meh; Orozco Really Sweet Nothing; Bobby Task Fitz Warriors' 86 Emerges; KGO Nikki/Burkhart Ouch; Tuesday

 ALL DAY LON G all I've heard is "atmospheric river" --enough times and enough times. You would think the button heads that keep repeating this weather nonsense would at least have the good sense to explain just what an atmospheric river is, but that would require common sense, something of foreign turf in Bay Area TV and radio.

YES, the rain gods have chosen to wet the Bay Area with much-needed rain but based on how the collective weather folks react to a few storms, you would think the world is about to end. How many times have we been down this road before? Too many to count. 

The East Coast is suffering a Nor-Eastern but both their media and citizens have had a few of these rodeos and haven't begun to collapse. They still live. They collect and prosper. As a matter of fact, I know for certain that even with a massive blizzard, you can still order Chinese food and they bring it to your door, piping hot. It's really not that big a deal. We see some rain drops and have a collective mental breakdown, what a bunch of wimps we are.

On KCBS this morning, Megan Goldsby interviewed some moron down in Felton who was complaining about having to evacuate from his mountain house. Well, sir, you don't want to deal with this crap, then, hell, move to Burlingame and get an apartment on the El Camino. Holy cow!

*OVERRATED Dept 101: KTVU's Andre Senior. He just signed a re-up at the same time completing a real estate transaction in South Florida. God, does anyone care? I don't but apparently you all do.

*Speaking of overrated at KTVU, I give you Alex Savidge who is decent but great? Hell no. He does smile though so he's above and beyond Claudine Wong. Mike Mibach? What a complete nothing burger.

*When Heather Holmes is on Fox2, I immediately think of a sale at the Ross store in San Leandro but HH has elevated herself: she's now monitoring women's shoes at JC Penny.

*KGO Circle7 staff: be loving your news gig because4 I hear from the horse's mouth that sooner rather than later, your newscasts will be going to that damn thing called the Internet because those TV screen numbers keep getting smaller and smaller and small. The mouse is getting more marginalized.

*Rosemary Orozco: again, I thought more highly of her but she's a weekend hood ornament, that's pretty much it. 

*SPORTS TALK: The boys are complaining (again) about Bob Fitzgerald, the Warriors TV broadcaster, yes, Rudy, does really SUCK but have you heard his color guy? YUCK.

Anyway, the nattering nabobs are conducting a social media petition to rid the area of Bobby Fitz.

*CBS an Francisco about to be treated as if there is such a thing called hell. As in LAYOFFS!

*SEE, here's the thing about Savidge and he's not alone: when you begin to feel as if you're bigger than the story, you develop a super ego and think you're the one everyone is watching. Yo Al, go get some coffee and take a chill pill. 

*STICKY NIKKI MEDORO on KGO --complete with nauseating alleged newsman, Bret Burkhart --I can't figure out who's worse; the double colonoscopy Burkhart with a voice that sounds like hell on Earth or the insufferable Medoro who is human road kill.

*The ad guys at NBC Bay Area had a fine day last week at the expense of a newbie chickien pooh from Vegas. Better hope, boys, she doesn't have her IPhone pics going to Burbank.

That's the world we live in now.


  1. What happened to "The Pineapple Express?" Is the weather racist as well? Yes.... Rosemary is nothing more than eye candy and i have a sweet tooth!

  2. BOYCOTT mouse7, FAKE NEWS, FAKE WEATHER, if mouse 7 was serious
    about "building a better bay area", they'd pull the plug on this pos station, and put it out of its misery and suffering

  3. Weather is a big deal. Drop the negativity, please. Remember in 2018, "At Least 13 Killed by Flooding, Mudslides in Fire-Scarred Southern California". People living in the mountains need to be warned again and again so they can take action. Saying "move to El Camino" is so unfeeling to people who are tied to their locations for a variety of personal reasons.

    1. 6:16 I agree with you. Also as far as I know Rich lives in Oakland which is earthquake country, as all of the Bay Area is, and there have been fires in there as well. If Rich is affected by one of these calamities, would he like if someone said, you should have lived some other place.

  4. "I hear from the horse's mouth that sooner rather than later, your newscasts will be going to that damn thing called the Internet..."

    I remember once, about six or seven years ago, talking to Dan Ashley, who said that while he understood the internet was changing things, he felt there would always be the need for a personal nightly local anchor and so he never saw his job going away. Now, granted at this point he can retire comfortably, but still...Everyone always thinks THEIR job—and only their job—is immune.

  5. Thank you for that Heather picture. I see her cleavage. I didn't know she had it in her. Love it!

    1. That's not Heather's cleavage in the photo, it's Mike Mibach's hand slipping in underneath from behind.

    2. Lol, that's funny. But I clearly see an outline of the breast in that diamond shaped window into her bosomy wonderfulness.

      I can die happy now.

  6. Meanwhile in downtown Walnut Creek they're waiting for a weather man/woman to file a report...

    Now time to get my own "atmospheric river" in the rain locker!

  7. Easy on Warriors tv announcer Azuibuke . I enjoy his analysis. He has good stories about his playing days to mix in. Barnett was good but he quit I guess after many, many years.

    1. I hear Barnett over on the radio broadcasts on 95.7. Shockingly he's with KNBR's own Tom Tolbert.

    2. Azubuike is a nice guy but grates with awful play by play. No depth, no analysis, no stats. Just rote phrases repeated over and over. Warriors need Fitz, especially since they forced deeply missed Jim Barnett to radio.

    3. Quit? JB was shoved in that direction. With Azuibuke on TV and Barnett on the radio, the color analysts now fit the target demographics better.

      Tim Roy is solid, but I can't help but wonder what Bill King and Jim Barnett would have sounded like together.

  8. It would be weird if the Warriors add a new play x play guy. I would actually have to put the sound back on, but Azubuike is horrible as well. I miss Jim Barnett, I actually learned a few things about the game when he was on and loved some of his old stories on players back in the day.

  9. HOTdamn...Rosemary is outrageously beautiful!

    1. Well, looks only go so far these days. Being Hispanic (oops, sorry Latinx) she still has to suffer under the oppressive thumb of the white male.

  10. KTVU Steve Paulson is wrong 90% of the time. Sounds like he's trying to justify his paycheck.

  11. I agree with 4:27 The Pineapple Express Disappeared like doughnuts at a pot party a few years back! As a Freelance Video News Gatherer I was out in it at 3am this morning. I Can say the Airhead MG would have been scared Shitless.

  12. Cashing In? Sounds like Bill Martin.

  13. Thank you for pointing out the theory and logic behind the meaning for the phase that was coined in the 80's... but i guess its gone the way of the PC crowd or most likely a weatherperson that cant spell Hawaii.

  14. Rain, or lack of,,, SELLS BABY!!

  15. I like Azuibuke and Fitzgerald. Plenty of energy and insights. I miss Barnett's insight. They dont travel with the team for away games (Covid) so naturally their coverage wont be stellar. Try calling a game by watching it over the TV and not in person...

  16. I will give it two months before they start in with the drought bullshit again
