Thursday, January 28, 2021

Jim Barnett; Bob Fitzgerald; McSweeney Primed for NY If He Wants to; Bill Martin: Surfer Dude



Jim Barnett is a terrific color analyst on Warriors' radio broadcasts if only one day soon his off-air image were as dandy as his on air.

*Here's the thing about Bob Fitzgerald: this isn't Des Moines. This ain't South Bend either. Fitz treats the Bay Area audience as if they were a college town. He's been getting away with it for nearly 30 years. He's survived because he's a great snitch and management loves a guy who rats on the staff and keeps stabbing everyone in the back. Rudy, you may have fooled everyone else, but me? Hell no.

*Jim Barnett can be downright mean, over-ego-personified and angry. It's good that Barnett is able to hide his misgivings and rather well.

KGO Radio should be thrilled the shooting that took place outside its Broadway/Battery studio wasn't a bigger story because KGO doesn't have a reporter to cover such a stor
y. Which is why the shooting was reported by a fill-in producer. Ouch.

*If Terry McSweeney wants to pack his bags for a NBC gig in NY he's more than free and easy to do so and I'm hearing the money is pretty good, especially these days.

*Bill Martin: a surfer dude impersonating a weatherman.


  1. Actually, surfers understand weather patterns much better than most people.See if you can figure out why.. Real men dig cats. You can't control them, a good thing.

  2. You can't control them?!? Open a can of tuna——you control them.

  3. Cool cat, Bill Martin!

  4. Yes, Bill is a surfer dude. But he learned his meteorology chops nearly four decades ago from Mike Pechner, the best broadcast meteorolgosit in the business. And as already commented, surfers follow and know weather far better than most.

  5. How old is Terry? In his 60's? He seems like a good street reporter, a better-than-average anchor and a good guy, but you are freakin' delusional if you think NBC is going to spend a chunk of change to hire him for either the network or the local O&O in New York, plus another chunk of change to relocate him there. There are many, many, MANY younger people that would be ahead of him in any list of people to relocate to the Apple. Get real.

  6. Okay, I'll bite; why talk about Jim Barnett as if he's still announcing? Dude is retired, Kelenna Az.... is doing the color commentary now.

  7. *Jim Barnett can be downright mean, over-ego-personified and angry. It's good that Barnett is able to hide his misgivings and rather well.

    Complete BS, Rich, I've met Barnett 3 or 4 times, even played a pickup game with him years ago, he's a really nice guy. Fitz, I agree with you, total jerk and I wish they would get rid of him. He's the reason I don't watch the Warriors as much as I used to, I can't stand listening to him.

  8. Unknown -Barnett still does radio color, mostly road games, Tolbert does most home games
