Friday, January 15, 2021

KCBS' Sovern Irked by Newsom Snub; KGO Cal Basketball Day After; KNBR Ignores Giants/Johnson Donation to Right-Wing Congressman Nut; Friday 415 Media

 IN AN EFFORT TO GREASE Gavin Newsom, KCBS political reporter, Doug Sovern, used a clip from a recent press conference. In the clip, Gov. Newsom says, "you're right, Doug." --Well, I'm told by a KCBS source, Newsom and his people were royally PISSED  off. Which might explain why Newsom hasn't been calling on the KCBS political guru.

Doug Sovern

*Hysterical moment of the day this morning: while interacting with Willie Brown, Stan Bunger inadvertently cut the mic from Phil Matier. Twice, no less. Good day for the union at KCBS.

*Yeah, the Chronicle ran a front-page sports story about Giants' majority owner, Charles Johnson, donating $2800, the max he could donate, to an ultra right-wing congressman who still thinks the election was rigged. And yes, KNBR and its band of idiots didn't even mention it. And by the way, KNBR does NOT have a 5% ownership in the Giants anymore so that excuse is out the door.

*The Cal basketball game that took over KGO's air on Thursday was moved to the morning because of the Covid-19 scare on the Bears' Colorado opponent. That is NO EXCUSE for the game being aired on a prime-time midday when Trump and Impeachment was big news, Capitol terror was being aired, and a pandemic out of control. The Cal game should have moved to KNBR 1050 or simply not broadcast. There's clauses in the contract for things like that. Either way, it was a MAJOR embarrassment for KGO.

*KNBR, the "John  Lund has a wife and we have to hear about it every two minutes" leader.

*An ALICE (97.3 FM) intern had too much pasta and wine and proceeded to inject it all into the studio, the MAIN studio this week. Good thing hardly anyone was there to see and smell it but I KNOW everything.

*On Wild 94.9 FM, the fact that there's still a STAFF is news to the morning show misfits who basically threw everyone under the bus on Wednesday.

*I see the married KNBR night host, Mark Willard, had his girlfriend on air last (Thursday) night. Jessica Kleinschmidt makes Willard go bonkers I guess.

*Once again, KQED has a serious in-house morale issue and it's no small deal.

*KSFO the home of more rejected right-wing talk-show hosts than the three little pigs.


  1. I thought KNBR was the "Brian Murphy Lives In Mill Valley And Went to UCLA And We Have To Hear About It Every Two Minutes Leader" . . .

    1. In between his shilling for pizza and credit unions..all the sucking up to larry baer will pay off in his mind one day

  2. They will rightly be introducing articles of impeachment against Beijing Biden on January 21st for abuse of power. I wonder if the chronicle will run a front-page story on that.

    1. Trumpsters are total tools. Put your tinfoil hat away.

    2. > I wonder if the chronicle will run a front-page
      > story on that.

      No, but OAN will, even though it never happens. Their site is full of shit that never happened.

    3. It will never happen? It was reported in the news today. @10:45 is a misinformed lemming. Put your bong away.

    4. CNN and MSLSD sure swept that whole Biden kickback/Ukraine/Hunter Biden scheme under the rug. It didn't fit the narrative. Something will come out and he will go down soon enough. I've never met an honest Democrat.

    5. It sure looks fishy that Trump's claim about fraud target only Black communities in swing states. The Election was not about Hunter Biden, it was a about Joe Biden vs. Trump and the Republicans in his administration.

      I think the Black voter and also the newer Asian voters are voting Democrat now since Trump is so white centric.

    6. Suck it, Trumpsters.

  3. Something married Lund? Wow! Now that's a story.

  4. Newsom is a prissy little bitch. I haven't been able to get a haircut in almost three months, I'll bet that fucker has one once a week. Support the recall and show this piece of garbage the door.

    1. I support the recall, but more because of his actions when it comes to PG&E than this. Check out NBC 11's investigative series on this (borrowed from their Sacramento sister-station) to learn more about what a hypocrite Newsom is. I'm surprised Rich isn't talking about this. He's always harking back to the old days of solid journalism——this was precisely that, but he apparently missed it, probably because he's longing for Suzanne Shaw to come back.

    2. Don't forget Nancy and Dianne and their hair colorings. I haven't seen 1 gray root yet on Pelosi. We all know she went white decades ago. Witches are always white/gray.

    3. Nancy was set up; that's pretty obvious and the owner of the salon even left town with her right-wagging tail between her legs. She was told she could come down, that it was okay and she would be the only one there. Cheap shot and did nothing to her career. The canary-haired asshat who incited riots last week, on the other hand........

    4. @6:04, Nancy's desperate HAIRDRESSER told her assistant she could come down, NOT the owner. The independant hairdresser that was renting a station and wasn't paying rent but, was protected by the moratorium. The owner couldn't do a damn thing. I don't blame her for being pissed. She's the only one getting exploded by a "tenant" and her government. And "she would be the only one there", what about the HAIRDRESSER?!?!and Nancy's security and assistants. If this was all OK with maskless NANCY and YOU, why isn't this an acceptable industry policy? Why can't they reopen?!?! Stop making excuses for her hypocrisy. "Set up" my ass! If that was possible, then she is too inept to be Speaker of the House.

  5. Why would Newsom be mad about that???


  6. Lund's wife is younger than him and has already pitched doing an on-air segment with him. This is what always happens to the oldest guy at the club - they get used.

    1. Seems like he married up. Papa keeps referencing that he lives a stones throw away now. Seeing as tho Papa preaches to us from behind the gates and guards of Blackhawk I assume Lund is now in either Blackhawk or Danville. He married into some money there. Also, they changed the opening to the show to get rid of Lund's squealing and sounding like a clown to something more professional. I wonder if she demanded that too.
