Friday, January 15, 2021

CNN is Number One And It Has Very Little To Do With Politics

 YES, THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE:  CNN has been kicking ass  and I think I know why.

It's not so much which way you go political leaning. I watch FOX more than I watch MSNBC and I'm a center-left guy.

I actually like and enjoy FNC's non-talk performers such as Brett Baier and Chris Wallace. They give me more information and I like the fact they at least try to be objective and anchor with little bias. As I said, they try.

CNN's dominance is more a tactical success, I believe, than its overall coverage. As a breaking news entity, CNN is a go-to because viewers just expect immediate play from the scene of the crime. When the Capitol attacks began to get more urgent, I quickly went to CNN, not so much because I have any overt political bent, more just I know and expect CNN would have reporters on the ground and immediate information.

I was not disappointed.

Fox, as loyal their core demo is and still rigidly right-wing el fresco, doesn't do right-away theatre very well. It's not a crime, they just gravitate more to opinion than they do to the actual goings-on there at the dateline. It's not a knock just an acknowledgement of what's apparent. MSNBC has great reporters and as much resources as does CNN and FOX, it's just they don't cater to immediate news either. They tend to rely, like Fox, on their commentary panel. It's their thing, nothing wrong with that, but CNN is sort of "here it is now." 

I know a lot of people who don't like CNN's political purge, or what they perceive as a purge or bias but they still watch CNN, at least at the start because they know what their getting; it's not so much political edge, just a brand that is doing what it tells us all, the masses, what we expect from them. 

The ratings confirm that.


  1. I like Cooper and Cuoma are my favorites, Lemon is ok but I seem to check out mentally when he starts talking.

  2. What they believe as a purge or bias? There is documented proof, sworn statements. See: Project Veritas. Zucker had a long grudge with Trump going back to their NBC days. He is on record many times telling his employees to hammer Trump nonstop and not to report anything in a good light. The proof is out there, the whistleblowers (past and present employees) have stated as such and are on record.

    Zucker is soon to be leaving CNN. His legacy will be that he changed America through his bias. Unfortunately, not for the good.

    1. It's laughable to me for anyone to talk about CNN bias changing America for the worse. Pot calling kettle. Without FOX and now the other Trump "news" outlets, we would not have just experienced an insurrection at the White House. We wouldn't have lost civility to such a degree. We would not be so incredibly divided in such a hostile way. Sadly, no network has has as much of an impact on American society as Fox "News".

  3. We only get "France 24" with our tv antenna. The only news channel.
    QVC shopping is now free over the air.
    CNN is a pay channel and not free on the air.
    I don't think they have plans for OTA viewers.

  4. > Zucker had a long grudge with Trump...

    Wow, that makes him unique! No one else does.

    1. You're talking about the past 4 years while he's going back almost 2 decades to their time together at NBC on The Apprentice. I know it's hard to fight the urge to throw snarky comments out there when confronted with facts that throws everything you've been brainwashed to believe into question but you can do better. Try to keep up if you can.

    2. Again, pot calling kettle. Hilarious for the right to talk about facts. Trump supporters never ignore facts that go against the beliefs they have that are supported by nothing other than Trump lies, right? Like say, the election results. No, clearly, Trump supporters evaluate evidence without prejudice and make their own rational decisions. Yes, of course. Got it.

  5. I agree with you. The Fox News team has the most competent reporters.

  6. There are many CNN whistleblowers out there. Their stories and presentations are biased and slanted to show one party in a bad light while portraying the other to be the golden child. Which party? Count how many former Clinton and Obama administration members are on their "panels", you can figure it out for yourselves.

    1. Yes, clearly CNN leans left. No argument. But that's in the guests they have and opinions stated. I'll take that over any "news" channel that blatantly lied about the election being stolen.

  7. Even though I lean slightly left and despise Trump, I have to say that Fox's morning and mid-day news coverage is the most balanced between them, CNN and MSNBC. I can barely stand to watch CNN, it's so shrill.
