Thursday, January 21, 2021

Day After Inauguration Nobody is Fair and Balanced


I thought Joe (President) Biden gave a very good speech; not the greatest speech but considering the times we live in and the weight of the world and such, I'd give it an 8 out of 10; I tried to be objective watching it. Most of you know my political views, that said, I thought it was very decent and cool.

To gauge what others felt, I flipped to Fox News and heard Chris Wallace's take and was pleasantly surprised. Wallace said it was "the best ever" Inauguration speech. Whoa! Of course, as I watch and listen to other right-wing media, Wallace got roasted. That I did expect. 

Sean Hannity was his predictable self with the usual conspiracy theories and latest Hunter Biden -China crap. Hannity didn't bother to talk about the speech and instead just reverted to his "Repubs good, Dems bad" act and it's frankly, boring. Didn't offer anything new --worse, Hannity is just as drip-dry on radio as he is on TV. There's nothing new --ever.  Who watches this trash? And what possible entertainment is there here? 

Did you see this?

CNN was not much better. I know CNN's panelists would be totally in love with Joe Biden's presentation but the fawning and love was too much for me. Van Jones is becoming a SNL daily satire. Over the top? That's too mild. Jones seems silly and bizarre.  Jake Tapper I can't watch anymore. Same with Gloria Borger, just way too much cooing and loving, I want more analysis and critique. I'm not a warm and fuzzy guy even though there was legitimate warm and fuzzy at Inauguration Day.

But please, give me some critical thinking or at least try to fake it.

THIS is why the majority of the American people have no faith in the media. It's a broad swipe but it makes sense. The built-up bias is too much to handle. Nobody even tries to be fair and balanced. Wallace has the credibility to offer up something new but gets universal scorn because he dared to go strong Biden and ends up getting lambasted. 

On MSNBC, I tried to watch but the lovefest was too ridiculous to watch which is why I'm not a regular viewer. Joy Reid has more baggage than the United Terminal at SFO and it showed on Wednesday, god, what a hack. Rachel Maddow is hard to watch too and Brian Williams is another minute-by-minute laugh-off.


I wish  there'd come a time when I was genuinely surprised, but I can't get that anymore. I still watch and listen and am truly amazed what I see and hear.

KRON tried to do a MOS interview in Walnut Creek after the speeches and got all that deserved which amounted to white wallpaper.

*Did anybody just merely enjoy the poetry performed by Amanda Gorman but thought the after-fawning was way over the top? I mean, Anderson Cooper reacted as if he watched the second coming. And Van Jones? Again, SNL is thankful to you.


  1. Thank you, Rich. I wish the new President and Vice President well but feel the media will go soft on them. During the campaign, I witnessed nothing but softballs tossed at them.

  2. You summed up my thoughts and observations as well.Making my post very easy.

  3. Comparing the Trump administration and the Biden administration is comparing night to day or apples to artichokes.
    The media is not hard on Trump, he is just living in a different reality and cannot see the truth in front of him.

  4. I watched it on CTV and they handled it without leaning to one side or the other. My thoughts mostly the same as Rich's on the other points.

  5. Many outlets today echoed your thoughts. One in particular said, "We're back to the Obama era lovefest with the media". Expect most of the lies, bullshit, and hypocrisy to be swept under the rug for their current anointed one.

  6. We as blog reading citizens have the same First Amendment to stand up against these respective networks and their rhetoric. MSNBC, CNN, the national networks, when their personalities need to be taken out of their criticism-free bubbles, they get their tongue-lashing. Haven't seen much of that against the FNC extremist personalities. Just like they can spew their vitriol, we have as much a right to go out in public and call them out. Wish we could pop their bubbles and start comparing their statements with what is really happening in today's world. Not enough of that v FNC.

  7. 2:59 Whoever said that must be listening to Hannity. I agree with Rich on Hannity, he has replaced Hillary Clinton with Hunter Biden. Nothing new, other than he had to drop the Seth Rich conspiracy because he got sued and Fox settled. I think he could have used some of his own 90 million dollars to pay the settlement himself. He is a disgusting hypocrite.

  8. After 4 years of the corrupt clown in chief, I'll take some CNN ass kissing

  9. They are all clowns. I know this is a bit outside the mainstream, but my 2 favorites right now are Matt Taibbi (former Rolling Stone political editor) and Freddie Sayers (Unherd in the UK). I wouldn't call them objective, both have a point of view, but I think they do a good job.
