Wednesday, January 20, 2021

KGO's Thurston Scores Jackie Speier and Willie Brown

 PAT THURSTON scored a double whammy.

The KGO talk queen was able to get both Congresswoman Jackie Speier and Mayor Willie Brown during the last half-hour of her Noon-3 PM radio talk show.

Of course the topic was Inauguration of POTUS 46, Joe Biden and Speier was quick to highlight inside the day's events in DC with a good dose of retail political insight. She said the mood inside the Beltway was amazingly tranquil.

Brown was his usual charming way, albeit a bit more subdued until it came to a question posed by Thurston: "How did Mitch McConnell's words the other day hit you?" --and Willie talked about a GOP sea change taking place in the Nation's Capitol


  1. I liked Jackie best when she was hunkered down under the wing of that Piper Cub. I have to imagine she was praying.

    1. What a sick statement.

    2. Sooooooooooooo disrespectful.

    3. Rich, please remove this dude's post. Uncalled for.

  2. score? seriously? both of these folks loves microphones...period

  3. 4:28 If you are referring to the time Jackie Spier was under fire in Guyana when she went there with her congressman Leo Ryan (I think, if memory does not fail me) that is extremely mean spirited and callous, she was being shot at and got hurt and Leo Ryan was killed. Don't like her politics fine, but sounds like you are wishing she had died. Very bad taste, watch out for karma.

    1. Jackie Spier was shot 8 times and was very lucky to have lived through that.

    2. Glad to see I'm not the only one objecting to the comment at 4:28. There seem to be a trend that just because someone does not like a certain persons politics it is okay to wish them death. I agree very sick. I wrote the comments at 10:01.

  4. What bugs me most about Pat and these interviews is that she "couldn't agree more" with every statement they make. This three-way was just an echo chamber of everyone agreeing with each other as opposed to even an ounce of original thinking or discussion.

    1. Yup. It seems there's not a liberal position she met that she didn't like. I guess she figures "why bother thinking" when she can take the easy route and just follow along with the ideology.

    2. Yet you'll listen to Hannity and Limbaugh and will agree with every nutty, mean bigoted statement.

    3. john rothman now seems in a rut where its almost the same group of pro trump/anti trump callers..and he reads e mails from the same group of people as well..

  5. Rich, it's hard to take you seriously when you take Pat Thurston seriously

    1. Sez the dude who clings to every word the orange jackass says. You clowns are pathetic.
