Wednesday, October 28, 2020

KNBR Removes Audio Interview of Ramblin' 'You Know' Tracy Wolfson; KRON For Sale?; Chris Merrill, KGO Yeller; Herb Caen Would Have Destroyed The Trump POTUS; Wednesday Coffee and Bagels

Pando: Coffee Meets Bagel teams up with SideCar to get LA daters together

I WROTE on Tuesday about CBS Sports/NFL sideline reporter, Tracy Wolfson, --her saying at least 37 times, "You know" on KNBR and I linked the interview. Well, guess what? KNBR removed the interview. Coincidence? Perhaps, you be the judge.

*By the way, saying "you know" over 37 times has nothing to do with age. It's called LAZY English and its irritating and nauseating as hell.

*If you believe word on the street, KRON is once again for sale, if you have $200M around the house, give Aaron Pero a call.

*KGO Radio blowhard fill-in host, Chris Merrill, was filling in the other day for Chip Franklin. Merrill, as obnoxious as he is, actually put together a non-gimmicky series of actual sentences before going bat crazy and raising his voice LOUD and LOUDER, why? I have no clue. He made no sense. It's as if these modern-day radio guys think that by going full-shock mode and creating artificial NOISE, they'll excite the senses. They don't, they never will.

Genuine emotion doesn't evolve via SCREAMING for screaming sake. And most of the audience knows it. So just to yell and yell LOUD doesn't move the needle. It does insult the hell out of the audience.

*You know?

*The BS 10,456th iteration of the "new" morning show on the FM dial has already jumped the shark and boy, I'm just shocked! Not that I'm surprised. A good friend told me, "Wait, they're really generating a lot of chemistry!" Yeah, a consistent 1 rating doesn't work, hasn't worked for over a decade. Game this.

*There's nothing bad about caller-driven radio, good callers are dictated by good radio. But by generating good calls. you have to respect the listeners. You cannot do that when you don't even respect yourself.

*There's a caller on KGO named, "Michael from Cotati" who thinks he's God but he's a complete FOOL and a total schmuck. And yes, a Trumper cultist.

*Mark Thompson has all but been deported from KGO; he's playing rope-a-dope and they're looking for a new guy so he can stall all he wants.

*86 the weather reports here: for the next 28 days, it's clear and cold. Maybe a little fog by Thanksgiving. Done. They pay decent money for people to say all that. Holy high pressure.

*Oh good lord, what Herb Caen would have done to the Donald.

Herb Caen classic column: Those endearing old charms -

*Barbara Taylor, the City Hall reporter for KCBS for a hundred years (she died on Monday) didn't apparently like to schmooze with friends and co-workers. No, she much preferred staying at her seat at the City Hall Press office and go dig deep for stories. Too bad we don't have that work ethic today with the chick crowd showing off their asses and tits to Facebook and Instagram buds.

*Rosemary Orozco can't close the deal on being the fulltime weather guesser at KTVU because, well, apparently Rosie isn't the smartest gal on earth. Said a veteran KTVU staffer to me, "she's more likely to appear on Wheel of Fortune' than Jeopardy." Ouch!

rosemaryorozco_tv Instagram posts, stories and followers -


  1. Weather is a sponsored element. No radio corporation is going to remove a revenue stream in this economic climate.

  2. Herb Caen was overrated by a populace that had no other means to get their news. In today's world he would be about as exciting as an Oakland Quiznos.

  3. What deep stories at SF City Hall? Seriously, how much of their bullshit has been called out over the past 30 years? What are we smoking here??

  4. If KRON was really for sale there's no way Nexstar would have just sunk all those millions into that state of the art set.

    And that set is nice though the laptops on the desk absolutely need to go as they are a major distraction.

  5. I think Herb would've handed the Donald's ass to him many times over...

  6. With so many Jews in the Bay Area, why is it so damn hard to get a good bagel around here?

  7. Rosie looking like a Cronkite level journalist. Maybe she should have signed the petition too.

  8. - Quiznos barely exists in the Bay Area, if at all. With Subway, Togo's, Erik's, and prominent local delis, they stood no chance.
    - Wolfson is comfortable as the interviewer, very uncomfortable as an interviewee. Don't need to perpetuate a Dominican Republic baseball stereotype to remind us of that.
    - KRON-TV, KGO Radio, Blasphemy-loving callers, all are just wastelands not worth spending time listening to or watching.
    - Herb Caen, Molly Ivins, Jack Anderson, Art Buchwald, too many national columnists we miss terribly who would have been newsprint dandruff to the Hairpiece-in-Chief. Oh, how badly they are needed.
    - Taylor's disinterest in the social life? Does that explain Sovern's lonely sounding reports lately?

  9. If anyone had 200 MILLION.....they wouldn't need to buy KRON.

    1. I would buy KRON and show re-runs of the most inane garbage you could broadcast... Oh wait! They already do that.

  10. I don't really care how stupid Rosemary may or may not be....

  11. I must say the new KRON set looks kinda cool and its a major upgrade. I don’t think Nexstar would sell KRON but I do think FOX kinda kicking themselves not buying KRON a few years ago cause the talent is more watchable than KTVU...

  12. Rosie is the reason why i get UP in the morning... The drunk Bambi look in the morning works every time. Viva La Covid

  13. You know, 50 years ago I was taught and learned that when "person" injected "you know" a lot it is really not quite "intelligent" and well learned and taught, how true; I avoided people like that, tells you how Fake News and Fake Sports hire people like that... look at fake news cnn, nuff said..

  14. And now for the rest of the story on M.C. - he's an adjunct professor at Catatonic State University right here in Big C and you can frequently find him squeezing the veggies in the local Dollar Store. He spends hours preparing for his interviews on Rothmann's show.

  15. GOOD LORD...Rosemary is so freakin' HOTT!

  16. Rosemary tiene unas tetas muy grandes!

  17. Both the weather ladies at KTVU are smokin. They should run that place. Give me a Rosemary and Kyla double bill and I'm watching that station ALL NIGHT AND DAY.
