Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth

COVID-19 (coronavirus): Important information for people needing support |  VincentCare


I'm not a part of the PC crowd that kiss the ass of corporate bosses and connive to give you all BS and real, legitimate fake new. My MO has always been to expose these dimbulbs and give you the real deal. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. I take no prisoners. Men, women, old, young, whoever, whatever-- there's no favoritism. Never has been. Those of you that read me know my ridicule and lampoon is not confined to any gender, race, creed, color, religion-- in fact I pick on more men that I do, women. The vast majority of you all get it and understand what I do; that much of my parody is parody itself. Lately, I wonder sometimes.

I have always said I'm not the NY Times. I can't write worth shit and I admit it. I wish I were a real, serious journalist because I'm really interested in the news and our TV/Radio people, here and elsewhere. I am disgusted at the current state of the business and write as much. The days of integrity and accuracy are long over, I get it and I know it's a different world and mindset. That doesn't mean I have to give up and succumb to the flakes. I try my best to expose all that and have a vehicle for those of you that remember the good old days when there was talent and merit and when no one was showing off their ass and boobs on Instagram. Yeah, I look and make fun of it. I'm not the only one just the convenient target of others who hide behind their righteous fortress and express faux outrage.

They want to hurt me. They're doing it now --threatening the few advertisers I have and attempting to discredit me and make me crumble. Which is why I NEED YOUR SUPPORT. It's a rally cry now more than ever but extremely pivotal now. I never claimed to be a moral king or sanctity of correctness, I just write a blog that people connect to and enjoy because for the most part, it's entertaining and interesting. Do I go overboard sometimes? Of course I do and I'm sorry if I offend you but at least I'm real and consistent. Do I error? Yes I do but who doesn't? I'm human.

I write and post every day, sometimes multiple times and sometimes even break stories and provide you scoops and stories devoid of the usual BS spin you don't get anywhere else. I'm not claiming to be a guardian of virtue but you'll always get the very BEST takes and intrigue --some days I'm not in the mood and can't offer you 100% product but every time I do write, you will get 100% effort, I promise you, so help me God.

YOU ARE, even you folks that hate me, my readers and I have the utmost respect for you, perhaps more respect for you than you think. YOU are my lifeblood. No one takes you more seriously than I do and it's the reason I love writing this blog. Because at the very least, you know I'm real. There's not an ounce of phoniness here; you know it, I know it.

PLEASE SUPPORT THE BLOG. Please continue to help me to give you the real deal and not the fake stuff that you despise and abhor, as you should. I will always call out the enablers and jerks who hold hostage the sanctity of old-fashioned radio and TV; who butcher your trust and take for granted your intertest and trust in their endeavors. BECAUSE in reality: YOU are the boss. THEY WORK FOR YOU! THE PUBLIC. YOU OWN THE AIRWAVES, NOT THEM! (CAPS INTENDED)

Help me out. Sure, you may think I'm a worthless jerk and you know what? I am. But there's good days and bad days. I don't always live the best life. Mom's gone, so too papa. My aunt dies the day mom died, eight hours apart. Mike, my brother, I lost ten years ago a year before Uncle Duddy died. Family life is brutal now which is why I envy you all that have kids and happiness especially in this crazy world.

I'm pontificating too much now. I need more 7/11 coffee. The sky is full of smoke and I'm coughing which is a sign from God that I've said enough. I have. Thanks for reading and always reading my blog.

Be well.


Go to the PayPal "donate" button on the right side of the blog (underneath the Marina Times ad) and click on it and follow directions; it takes less than a minute and it's 100 safe and secure. You don't have to have a Pay Pal account to contribute. I will personally call and/or email you thanking you for your donation.



  1. I have spent 40 years in the TV biz. It's become a disgusting place to work.
    Thrash the biz all you want. It deserves it, they (we) them earned all of it.
    We used to have rules...
    We didn't take our nasty affairs home.
    And we never left bruises.

  2. Rich, as a former TV and Radio Journalist, I am sure glad I retired when I did! Working in this industry for just a little over four decades; all in San Francisco, I experienced "the good, the bad and the ugly" of Broadcast Journalism. Despite the good times, and there were many, I've come to the realization and just as I predicted to my co-workers shortly after the release of The Internet that ALL journalism as we knew it would begin and eventually disappear. Well, it has begun! first magazines, then newspapers, radio is about to die and I give TV; both local and national another decade if not less before it too dies. What you see and hear nowadays is a smorgasbord of pre-packaged content distributed by agencies, alleged journalist professionals who sell their wares to the TV and the Radio networks via tip sheets, pre-packaged content and outright stories they contrived that are aired by the local markets. There is no more investigative journalism, no more enterprised stories. Hell, they're even pulling stuff off of U-tube and without even checking it for the facts, they're putting this shit on the air and calling it news! Now you know why the public has had it with the news media. All I can say Rich is, keep writing the truth because the day will come and not soon enough when you'll be writing obits about this failed experiment called broadcasting news.

  3. As for the advertisers on this blog, please continue to support Rich and ignore those who want to take this blog down and silence Rich.
