Monday, September 7, 2020

Bill Martin has some Big Ass Glasses

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Bill Martin in DC With a Good Friend of Gary  Radnich

KTVU weather guy Bill Martin is now sporting eyeglasses bigger than friend, Janice Huff's(pictured) entire head.

How big are they? Martin, reportedly uses the lenses at home to kill ants.


  1. Do you ever have anything positive to say or are you just a fat, bald, miserable son of a bitch. You're kind of like Ratto, but without any talent.

    1. Anoymous anti-Semite: There you are again. You have so much anger. Please seek help, k?

    2. Rich has many positives stories on the blog. Can you Read? When your negative, sad and depress, you just see the bad. You don't need to be Dr. Phil to know when you insult others, your just a miserable human being and want to bring people down. You remind me of the quote of Michele Obama, one of the greatest first ladies. " When they go low. We go high" You sound like a low life Anomie 9:48 am. Please seek help. Take a walk, meditate, talk to a friend if you have one.

    3. > Rich has many positives stories on the blog.


      Good one.

    4. @ Anon 11:18 - Nothing I wrote even mentioned anti-semitism, but since you read that into it, I fear you must be racist. Please seek help, mmmkay?

      @Neal - Yes, I can read. I can also write and understand the difference of when to use "your" and "you're" which is more than I can say for you. But you say Rich has many positive stories? Let's test that theory and look at the last 5...

      1. Includes image that reds "I wouldn't give a FUCK..."
      2. Rips Bill Martin for his glasses
      3. Headline: Screw Everything
      4. Praises Maria Medina
      5. Nonsensical Mark Ibanez post

      So, 60% of his recent posts are negative. Rich dishes it out to many but can't handle it when people dish it to him. But it makes me laugh when this hypocrite begs people like you for money every week so keep it up!

    5. I thought the Bill Martin post on glasses was funny, especially the part where he can burn ants with it. I guess you need to have a sense of humor sometimes, which might not be in the cards for you. No one asking you to be on here Sunshine, you might want to work on your empathy, you are great with your arrogance and your as (( NEGATIVE )) as it gets. How was youy childhood? Pretty rough, you were probably picked on as a kid and now your the Bully Troll. Hey at least you pass English class. LOL

  2. Rich is telling it like it is. No sugarcoating !

  3. I guess BM has professional hygiene with his ant-killing glasses, if Janice Huff didn't smell any Raid on him.
    Huff doing very well in New York. Time for Martin to move on when his contract with The Firm runs out. Should be an interesting battle for the next lead weather anchor at 10.
