Sunday, August 23, 2020

While Wild Fires Intensify, KRON is AWOL; Bay Area 'News' Station? Running Fish Oil Infomercials Instead

Bay Area fires: Complete list of evacuation orders, road closures ...

KRON is, it tells viewers every day and night, the "Bay Area's 24-hour news station." Really? Only not for several hours on a Sunday when the wildfires onferno  that threatens the region and are supposed to get worse when lightning is forecast, KRON is AWOL.

Unless you count fish oil commercials as news.

Pathetic. KRON has a staple of better than average reporters at the scene of various hot spots and at the center of the storm, yet there's NO on-air presence. None, nada. Don't confuse the facts, this has nothing to do with money either but KRON's daddy, Nextstar, already allotted its Bay Area station with enough cash to cover big stories like the wildfires and where's KRON? MIA.

Other stations have the excuse that they are bound by network sports programming and that's even broken when a major disaster like this causes stations to leave; KPIX and NBC Bay Area left sports to provide updates on the various fires. Good for them and wholly appropriate.

KRON, the perennial albatross could make its mark in this story but its suits are asleep at the wheel; maybe the fish oil and patio furniture ads have invaded their brains.


  1. All stations coverage has been shitty.

    One stations "website" had a woman crying over the loss of her horse.
    Only that video is from the TUBBS fire 2 years ago...
    Talk about a re-tread.
    Right Faux ?
    No reporters in action
    No detailed information
    Fake old videos of "any" fire.
    This is the new "happy talk"

  2. I agree that Kron4 is awol. Their stock prices only show ONE COLOR....i.e. if the Dow points drop, then the color should be
    "red" and it the other indices are positive, the the color should be "green".

    I already previously complained that their weather temps are the SAME for Concord, Pittsburg and Walnut Creek.....this NEVER true.....Pittsburg is usually hotter.

    I wish they would get rid of Nexstar and KRON4 as most people watch other local stations.

    1. Will Tran is doing a great job..He's at KRON.. He got the interview with the P&E guy who was killed later that day...

    2. I agree Tran is doing a good job. He was stopping cars that were leaving the fire zone and asked a woman with 7 dogs in car if her home was ok. Her home was gone and she still talked to Will Tran live on the air. Tran was compassionate while still getting the facts. He asked for her name and she didn't want to give it to him. Tran said it could let her friends know she's ok. I thought it was compelling and very difficult for Tran, but he was graceful. I don't normally like his live shots because he's too chatty. But hats off to Will on that one.

  3. Stations coverage has been shitty? There are fires. THings are burning. Stay inside. It's terrible.

    As for helicopters, these networks barely own their own helicopters anymore. They barely pay for traffic, and that's outsourced.

    Because Rich has never had to budget anything or had a real job he doesn't quite understand the finances of a local news station.

    Get your dumb head out of your ass, dumbass.

    1. So how are the other stations doing it?

  4. But, KRON is getting a New Set!!!

  5. I don't watch KRON. Forgot it existed. Sad.

  6. There is way too much wildfire coverage. There are lots of fires- we get it, let’s move on. The
    Information is of no use to those involved and the rest of us aren’t effected.

  7. The problem with KRON their own reporters are also rolling and moving the camera with no camera person...they are doing it all themselves...

  8. people in the north bay that I know did indeed see KRON reporting from the fires.
