Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dreary Times in the City By the Bay

Connect Media: CRE - California Commercial Real Estate News

BECAUSE OF CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES, I had to actually drive across the bridge from Oakland and pick up a package in the city, the south of Market to be exact. I really hate driving to SF, not just these pandemic days, but all days because driving to the city is a burden, physically and mentally.

The endless traffic has become less tedious than in normal days but it' s still a pain. I don't like looking for parking spaces; I hate the dust and traffic; I hate the grime; I don't like the tight spaces which seem even tighter even though there's less people downtown these days. SF looks great in pictures but it's still painful to navigate the city good or bad times.

I wonder what Herb Caen would say about today's San Francisco? I bet he would say a lot. I bet he would shake his head and wonder aloud and in print how the city has changed for the worse. SF is a ghost town now with the streets empty and vast swaths of the town deserted as if all of its citizens left to escape the urban wasteland. It is scary; SF isn't alone but it is front and center because os the tourists and because the tourists are nowhere to be seen, the city is as quiet and dormant as I've ever seen in my lifetime. To walk downtown and see boarded-up buildings on Market Street and Union Square, complete with empty streets devoid of people is not only scary but makes one wonder, when will it all return to normal? One can only guess more years than months, scary.

This is all a Hollywood movie, right? Or a really bad dream. The thing is, it gets worse not better. The weather is a mashed potato sky--milky, faded white mush with heat, little fog, dangerous, unhealthy air and pollution run amok; the restaurants are already dying and the retail segment is already dead. What a life, even in utopia San Francisco which is now more dystopian as the heavens collide with humanity.

I don't know what tomorrow brings and that's part of the problem. If there was a finality to all this mayhem then at least we could pack for it, plan, take our losses and call it a day but the fear of the unknown permeates --a cruel trick from someone, sort of a God's Joker telling us all, don't screw with her-- as if Earth was being told who the real boss is and that was that. That is that and this is now. Yuck.

This is a party no one wants to go to and the bar is stocked full of empty bottles. Yeah, I wonder what Caen would have said.


  1. With any luck it will kind of just fade away and disappear or collapse into itself, creating a black hole of super dense human feces and broken car windows from which neither light, the board of supervisors, or Sales Suppository Tower can escape.

  2. When you make businesses want to leave and tourists not want to come ...

  3. I'm no Trumper and would never vote for him. But the liberal crap espoused by Willie Brown and Gavin Newsome destroyed the City. And now this guy is Governor!

    1. Yep, agreed, and London Breed isn't making it any better. Anything these liberal social justice activists touch turns to poo. And I'm not a Trumster either.

    2. But I suspect you voted for them both.. Why blame anything in SF on the GOP? For sh*tz sake they've had nothing to do with it in forever. Just like Chicago, LA and every other dilapidated liberal ran city.

  4. Not sure what Herb Caen would say about San Francisco today. I was born and raised in San Francisco and thought is was the best place in the world to grow up. I had family and friends visit "The City" recently and I horrified what their experience was there. They had to scrape the shit off their shoes when they got home. I told them just throw the shoes away and I'll buy them new pairs. WTF

  5. There's no way to save SF. It will have to be a complete tear-down and remodel. Starting at the top.

  6. I'm sure Herb Caen would be disgusted with state of our city today. Can it be fixed? Probably, but not without a lot of pain. Probably need a more Conservative approach to reverse all the extreme liberal policies that got us into this mess.
