Sunday, August 23, 2020

Darren Peck Breaks Down Lightning Forecast in Brilliant, Basic Terns; PIX Weather Guy Hits Home Run

Darren Peck - Napoli Management Group

I'VE GROWN to like Darren Peck and I liked him even more on KPIX 5 PM Sunday newscast--Peck, in multiple detailed weather reports, gave brilliant, concise and crisp analysis on what the Bay Area could expect when it comes to lightning --so detailed and revealing, Peck could have easily been talking to me in my living room.

He didn't just roll out borrowed, lame weather jargon, he broke down satellite footage and explained the process--how the overnight was key and where and when the lightning would hit and where.

Frankly, I was impressed, more that Peck broke it all down and then some, than whatever takes place, although Peck's intricate breakdown was very telling and incredibly real. I'm sorry he's not PIX's weeknight weather guy but I'll take the weekend anyway.


  1. I saw his forecast and liked it as I was switching between KTVU, KGO-TV, and KPIX. I also noticed and liked seeing Michelle Griego in the field reporting from Healdsburg.

    1. > I also noticed and liked seeing Michelle
      > Griego in the field reporting from
      > Healdsburg.

      I'll bet she didn't like it.

    2. She's going to beat Kenny within an inch of his life.

  2. Nice compliment. It was a shocked he didn't get the weeknights gig.

  3. Yes! He explained the weather to us simply, without making us feel like simpletons.

    1. He was a tad overly dramatic last night during one of his shots and they even cut him off at the end with their theme music and he realized he was taking too long and quickly wrapped it up.

  4. Best weather guy now!

  5. yea he was great last nite i live in the northbay bad he was wrong no rain no wind no lighting ...

  6. Agree completely. Plus - he doesn't stand in front of all the video you're trying to see. What a treat.

  7. Hey 10:52 am: I don't think it's a matter of being "right" or "wrong". Weather data changes constantly. His job (and "their" job) is to provide updates to us as they occur, and provide us with the potential scenarios which lie ahead of us, so we can be prepared.

  8. He's dressing better lately too!

  9. Liked him when he was reporting weather in the Valley, strange how he went to a smaller market up north and turned up in the Bay Area...

  10. I’m happy to agree with you Rich.
