Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tuesday Coffee: Greg Papa Brags on KNBR Air That He Got Coronavirus Tests 3 Times in Less Than a Week; (While You Wait for Hours); Armstrong and Getty GOP Shills; Medoro KGO Show Continues to Crater; Krasny KQED 'Forum' Show MIA Appears To Be Power Play; Once Again, Jeremiah Crowe is an Asshole; Who Paid for Chronicle Full Page Ralph Barbieri Obit?

23 Reasons Why You Should Drink Coffee Every Day


*I like Greg Papa (for the most part) but I'm not sure bragging about your test results from a Covid-19 series of tests (he had multiple tests and results less than a week) is cause for giggling and radio bravado. Papa is the 49ers' radio PBP broadcaster so he has to take a test but the regular little people are waiting in line for hours to get tests and pray for results in a few days, Papa got all that done overnight and boasted about it on KNBR with his juvenile radio wife, John Lund, giggling en fuego.

*Armstrong and Getty are Republican operatives who are allowed to have a radio talk-show to promote GOP and Trump talking points. I don't have proof of this but I know a few people who swear that the Sacramento gruesome twosome routinely provide the GOP a morning platform to kiss Trump ass every day and that's a farce considering the boors pretend to be objective. Yeah, objective my ass!

*Nikki Medoro continues to lecture; continues to refer to her kids every five minutes; her voice was once an asset, now it's become an instant turnoff. She can't keep doing this or else her show on KGO Radio will further crater. KGO continues to call this the "new" morning show; I debuted over five months ago how is this new? And right now, as I have stated mucho times, the show sucks big time.

*At KQED Radio, it appears a power play has officially taken place: Michael Krasny is OUT at "Forum: or at the very least, out indefinitely as the NPR locals wrestle for a controversial woman to take the Forum gig while he sits out and is contemplating calling a LOYAH! Krasny is, perhaps, a victim of ageism or worse yet, eternal boringness, either way, looks like he's been screwed.

*Jeremiah Crowe, the asshole KNBR PD, is such an asshole, he was called out by KTVU sports anchor, Mark Ibanez, who told various people behind the scenes, that Crowe "lacked people skills', that he was "difficult" to talk to. Ibanez, who did fill-in work for the Bleeder, probably confirmed what everyone else already figured out: YES, Crowe is a SCHMUCK and a major SHIT DISTURBER! Ask Lee Hammer who knows first hand.

*Mark Thompson chose to do his shows from LA, where he lives, which is good, since when they lower the boom on him, he doesn't have to take a plane back home.

*Ronn Owens loved Paul Harvey so much, he's now ripping him off for the three of you that listen to the "Ronn Owens Report", which pays for Ronn's  cruises and mani/pedicures.

*That FULL-PAGE Obit about Ralph Barbieri cost $50 Grand and everyone in town wants to know who bought it: I'll tell you this. Not the Barbieri estate. Humn.

*Willie Brown got a lot of play by saying in the Chron on Sunday that Kamala Harris shouldn't take the VP offer awaiting her (maybe) from Joe Biden, only Willie, it's a heartbeat away and I hear you get to travel the world. I'd love that gig and I bet Harris would love it too which is why she's lobbying it, 24/7.

Have a nice day.


  1. Rich: your new ads, 7 women to 1 man.
    Have you tried it, and how would you rate it.

  2. I initially enjoyed Papa but having listened a considerable amount the past 5 months find him to be more and more of an assclown. He tries to act like a know-it-all and spouts off his opinions as if they are 100% fact (many of which he is usually wrong about). Just yesterday, he was 100% incorrect on some Stallone facts that the majority of people would know. Lund knew it right off and initially questioned him with kid gloves over it but instantly let it go, almost as if he is scared of him. They don't take phonecalls because they don't want anyone calling Greg out but luckily the text line and one of Greg's friends put him in his place (surprised to actually hear Papa admit he was wrong on the air). Papa won't go on social media because I'm sure he would be eviscerated. There have been many examples of this. Also, his love and praise for Gabe Kapler (regularly calling him the smartest man in the room) is ridiculously over the top. Luckily, many of the top writers in the area have been pointing how bad he has bungled some decisions...very very bush league. Just today, Lund made a comment about Cuomo having had work done and Papa immediately goes into left wing defense mode and starts talking right wing this and that. I actually miss Radnich and Krueger in that slot. Fyi, I don't hate Lund as much as you do.

  3. KNBR needs to update their programming. Why the heck does KNBR FM/AM along with KNBR 1050 broadcast on all 3 stations Tolbert, Brooks and Krueger from 2pm-6pm...put at least national syndicated programming during their time slot on one of those channels...

  4. Waaaaayyyyyyy over the top with Ralph's obit. His estate may not have paid for it, but Ralph certainly wrote it. The account of his first interview with Bonds when he came to SF is totally false. Ralph kissed Barry's butt after calling him a punk a year earlier when BB was a Pirate.

    1. Ralph's obit was one more attempt to prove how he could never shut up,even in death.

  5. And every other Bay Area radio and TV station are shrills for the Demo party. So, since you’re a liberal, isn’t part of your ideology acceptance of other’s views/opinions? Guess you have a low tolerance for a different perspective.

  6. Nikki great at reading the news, but NOT a show host. The occasional up talk is VERY annoying.

  7. Willie doesn't want his Mistress to move to DC.

  8. I have it on good authority that the obit was split three ways between Ralph's lawyer, Tommy T and his cat.

  9. "Armstrong and Getty are Republican operatives who are allowed to have a radio talk-show to promote GOP and Trump talking points." The mainstream media and cable channels all promote talking points of their respective sides. No one is objective.

  10. - His Willieness' Mistress may go after A&G's disgusting national ratings (yep, the rest of the cult-warped nation gobbles it up)
    - Did His Willieness also help pay for Ralph's obit?

  11. I just read Barbieri's obit. Holy crap!! If that was really written by Ralph then it is the most narcissistic piece of writing ever written. Just part of the first paragraph lets you know how bad it's going to get;

    The most interesting man in the world does not have much on Ralph - spiritual seeker, radio and television personality, Ivy League student, European traveler, Madison Avenue account executive, Hawaiian beach bum and most importantly, single father. Remarkably, all of these designations refer to but one man, Ralph Barbieri, who accomplished all that he set out to do and always did so at a very high level.

    Then it goes crazier from there. I love the part about being top of his class in grammer school. That class probably had 30 kids in it. Or that it talks about how Ralphs endorsements made Amici's Pizza into a multi million dollar outfit.

    So incredibly over the top. I am truly baffled it was so whack-a-do.

    1. Obviously he wrote it. Who else has access to all those "facts"? And I can't see how anyone other than the estate paid for it. It gives you a good yardstick for the size of his ego, to say the least.

    2. What's sad is what does he get out of having a long obituary? Nothing.

  12. greg papa and john lund, two swinging divorced bachelors who talk all day long about sports, more sports, sex, more sex, getting wasted, getting laid..all you need to know
