Tuesday, August 11, 2020

415 Media Exclusive: Fox Makes Mandatory Test on Coronavirus To Gain Entry into KTVU Jack London Studio/Building

Oakland | KALW


There's a new Fox TV Sheriff in town and they're making you (KTVU employees) fill out a Coronavirus test to be able to get into the building; if you don't pass, then the guard WON'T let you in the premises.

I'VE LEARNED through a reliable KTVU staffer that all personnel at its Oakland/Jack London Square headquarters are subject to mandatory, daily testing. It is now a requirement for all people who work at the building, including ALL on-air people, star anchors and reporters, nobody gets in unless you PASS a test, on-line and in person.

The source:

"You have to answer several questions on line. And say you don't have a temperature. You're then physically tested at the door for your temperature. Only then do you get a green pass on your phone that you have to show the guard ...otherwise, you can't get in the building. It's a FOX rule."


  1. Russia released a vaccine today. They got this.

    Oh wait, they're supposed to be the "boogeyman". Sorry Nancy. I'll try to do more to spread the agenda.

    1. dear anon at 12:05... I think you should volunteer to take the russkie vaccine...stat!! As far as temperature testing goes, it doesn't determine anything. You can be covid=positive and have a sub normal or normal temperature.

    2. No, they're liars and bullshitters. Remember that fellow Reagan? Didn't trust them? And that's when Gorbachev was in power, who was a lot saner than the cuckoo running things now.

  2. Military contractors have had that rule for months. No messing around.
    That won't change until there is liability protection to all business.

  3. LOL, how fucking stupid. Who's running that building, Gavin Newsom?

  4. Whats the big deal my company has been doing that for months

  5. This process is no different than numerous other sites use. This is a non-story. Not sure what point is being made here.

    1. What I was wondering too. If anything, I think the story here, if there is one, is wow, KTVU is actually taking care of its employees!

  6. You take the Russian vaccine first, let us know how it goes.

    Anyway, a “test” is very different from screening protocol, which is common. Rich has a tough time with the finer details, which might explain his career in news.

    1. That among many other things, such as an IQ too low even for TV news standards, all the while thinking he's the second coming of Herb Cain.

  7. @12:05 Uh, sure. They say they have a vaccine which as not gone through anywhere near the same testing we or other countries require to release a vaccine. If you'd like to be first in line for that, good luck to you.

    As for this item about FOX2, this is not very newsworthy. This is now typical for many companies, including my place of work. And that's IF you're even allowed to go in at all, regardless of temperature testing.

  8. Has Veronica de la Cruz had a COVID relapse?

  9. So if a staff got the virus inside the studio, the agreement is they cannot sue the company, am i right??? Ama finally went back to the studio for once last week and then went home to do the evening news.

  10. Super impose a picture of Dr. Anthony Fauci with a picture of MAD Magazine's lovable character Alfred E. Neuman.

    They are one and the same. Except, Alfred is more likeable than that lying midget. Oh, Yeah. Farhan Zaidi looks like Morocco Mole from "Secret Squirrel".

    Just observations folks. F.Z Never played baseball. Numbers Cuck!


  11. That's pretty much the requirement for every workplace. Some of it mandated by counties. It's not a test it's just a self report questionnaire to encourage those with any symptoms to stay home. Very few people are working in the studios at ktvu, most are still working from home. Just one anchor amd a skeleton crew are there.

  12. Speakimg of Fox, Bill Martin is on vacation. Can we keep the blonde hottie who has replaced him? I actually know what the weather will be like this weekend now from listening to her. Hot. Like the chick doing the weather. Get it?

  13. I wouldn't take no goddamn test. Hell, I'm taking Hydroxychlorine daily...just as our great president tells us he's doing--and urges us REAL Americans to do. That...and my Holy Bible, daily prayer...as well as keeping informed with REAL news on Fox News--this is all I need.

  14. Hey Anom 10:48, you fucking idiot..are you swallowing Clorox and Lysol as your "great president" suggests? Do you hold your bible upside down while you're praying and watching FOX? Sounds like you're a real fucking American, alright. When was the last time Trump said he was taking Hydroxy daily? You sound like you need Oxy.

  15. Hey 8/12 @ 6:11 PM

    You're the F'n idiot! Don't you know when you're be trolled??? Get with the program and recognize a troll/false post when you see/read it and don't look like the idiot you are by responding to it.

  16. This is a VERY common rules now in ALL newsrooms
