Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Media Residue --The Inconvenient Truth; KTVU Pious; Fred Zehnder Reflection; KRON Star Bellow; Greg Papa Says 'Shut It Down'

Tell KTVU to Fire Racist Editor & Create a Policy to Ensure This ...GOOD FOR YOU, KTVU staffers in the morning, willing to take a stand and doing what's right, all the while maintaining grace despite the outward incompetence and bankrupt leadership at the top. Your words and action have meaning and validity even if there's no one guiding the ship.

*It's easy to dismiss a report and spin a yarn about "lies" when you don't have the facts to back up your story. Yes, the days of Fred Zehnder are over.

*The late, great Wayne Shannon, would have had a field day with viruses, fires, earthquakes --appointment viewing on KRON when KRON had a pulse. Nowadays? Don't get me started.

*Yeah right, the piousness of Channel 2/Fox: google "KTVU and 'Nia Wilson photo'" --then read this.

*In the not-so-old days, a real news director would have gathered the troops around and asked some questions and hold a status meeting and felt a pulse. Today, they're too busy smoking cigarettes and putting out gibberish on Twitter.

Mark Ibanez KTVU
Mark Ibanez (left) and Fred Zehnder
*For those of you that forgot the late Fred Zehnder, he was an amazing leader at KTVU in the golden era when news and information meant something.

Noelle Bellow - Home | Facebook
Noelle Belllow
*Moving across the bay to KRON, I was aghast at the sight of a real, fine, refreshing reporter doing a live shot from the fire scene in the region, Noelle Bellow, how could I miss her? Shame on moi. Knowing KRON, the minute Ms. Bellow gets much admiration and respect, she'll suddenly disappear from the airwaves, which for Bellow, might be a good thing.

*Greg Papa, of all people, said on KNBR (all sports), of all stations, that in light of the pandemic, and the latest, outlandish video of an unarmed Black man getting murdered, {sports} should shut down. I wholeheartedly agree and I'm a pretty big sports fan.

*We love sports and they represent a diversion but we don't need sports. Life and death are more important.

*Yeah, another ugly video. What has happened to this country?

Never mind.


  1. Greg Papa is a pompous uneducated pretentious ass.

    And that is putting it lightly.

    1. I might disagree with uneducated, but I 100% agree with the rest of the post

  2. I second that emotion 12:44.

    Typical overreaction from the grandiose Papa.

  3. Just like you over look, Anousha Rasta, on NBC Bay Area. Maybe because her first and last name doesn't rhyme????

  4. There are certainly times when Greg Papa can be the Crown Prince of Pomposity, but not this time. Brionna Taylor gunned down by Deputies after mistakenly breaking into her apartment. George Floyd murdered when an officer knelt on his neck cuttin off air for almost nine minutes and Jacob Blake walking around to the driver side of his car, followed by two officers with guns drawn, as he checks his three kids who are in the car, he takes seven slugs in the back. We need to stop actions like these NOW! If ever we want all of our citizens to feel safe in our country.
    Taking a break from sports or anything else to concentrate on ending this oppression makes a lot of sense to me.
    Greg Papa is right on the money here.

    1. I know we've been fighting and you just tased me, but just give me a second to check on the kids and then we can get back to you trying to arrest me.

  5. Greg Papa couldn't be right on the money if he slept at the mint.
