Tuesday, August 25, 2020

415 Media Exclusive: Star GOP Screamer, Kimberly Guilfoyle Cancels Trip to KTVU Amidst Staff Pushback

Kimberly Guilfoyle allegedly left Fox News amid accusations of ...

SHE, Kimberly Guilfoyle, was to jet on Friday (complete with the Donald Jr) to SFO, make an appearance on KTVU "MO2" and do a few station promos. After all, KTVU is owned by the Fox Broadcast Net (not Fox News (cable) channel but that's not the issue here)

Multiple sources tell 415 Media, a "MAJOR" pushback developed at KTVU (Fox2) --several staffers complained to management that a Guilfoyle visit, no matter the potential news value would be in conflict with the Oakland -Fox O and O --in fact, KTVU news dept. fired an internal memo to ND, Amber Eikel  and Fox News execs saying Guilfoyle visit to KTVU would be "out of bounds."

Guilfoyle has abruptly cancelled her visit to KTVU. Fox is staying clear as to why but I know why and now, so do you.


  1. I disagree. The viewing public has a right to hear diverse viewpoints. Not just the chosen ones.

  2. She deserves the Gold Medal for Screamer of the Year. Have you ever heard such a shrill voice? She is a goddamn Star!

  3. The "tolerant" left isn't so tolerant is it?

    1. They aren't leftists. They are Reagan Democrat Centrist clowns MASQUERADING as Leftists. And they vote their pocketbooks every four years, if they bother to vote at all. Don't get it twisted.

  4. Her performance last night was quite . . . startling. I half expected her to break into 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina'.

  5. She sure as fuck didn’t cancel her visit to Red Lobster in Rohnert Park. A wheelbarrow full of pasta and rippin ass that peeled the wallpaper off the wall.

    1. Are you 12years old? Do you think you are funny? You need to grow up!

    2. It smelled like a rhinoceros took a dump on a skunk.

    3. He's always looking for attention and used to troll this blog with sexual usernames. Rich kept letting it in until people pointed out, "Rich, you're being trolled here".

      And correct, his material is really quite lame. Ridiculously lame.

  6. No wonder Gavin divorced her and Donald Jr looked so drugged up. If she's like that on a good day what the heck is she like on a bad day?? YIKES!!!!

    1. Keep drinking the liberal Kool-Aid moron!

    2. 4:31. You the top or bottom for 420 Buttboy?

    3. 5:17 No Kool Aid needed my deaf friend. Anyone with a working eardrum could hear her screams from a mile away. She was mic'ed up and speaking to an empty room for Christ sakes. Actually on second thought I would like to try some of thse Trump uppers they all seem to take. Did you see Trump during Melania's speech tonight. No uppers there he was almost comatose towards the end. So was I listening to the drivel about how he cares for the average citizen

    4. Awww 5:19 is triggered...how cute!

      Imagine my surprise seeing a snowflake...in August?? That's 2020 for you. Crazy year.

  7. ...Jesus ... her mouth, her eyebrows, her jawline, her (fake) teeth, her jowels, they are ALL out of line (and filled with formahldahyde) that. she'll have the exact SAME look, in her coffin (next to trumpy jr. jr. jr. or whichever trump jr. her corpse ends up with ...)

    1. Sounds like you just described your mother or your wife.

    2. You're a hatefoll little asshole aren't you?

    3. Geez Marky, you need to relax a bit. Better go grab your weighted blanket, your support gerbil and your Bette Midler cd's....

  8. Her speech was scary, very dark and full of distortions. She quoted Reagan's "Shining City on the hill" I was not a Reagan fan, nor did I care for most of his policies. However, his quote and vision was one of optimism, what I heard last night was very negative. Nothing about uniting the country or anything about the 170,000 plus deaths from the virus.

  9. Gavin made the right choice marrying his 2nd wife and able to please him with 4 kids, adorable kids. Good choice, Gavin

    1. Excuse me Gavin does not have a wife. That would presume gender! They are partners you ignorant ass. Go back to your re-education camp.

    2. Gavin's current wife is the one that was married and cheated on her husband with Gavin, correct?

      All class baby!

    3. Gavin's current wife is the one who insisted his very first acts as Governor be the "No Tax On Tampax Act," and the "Welcome To California Abortion." One obliterated income for the State, the other increased expenses to taxpayers. She made it clear who wore the pants in the family the day he took office, not to mention the fact that he is Nancy Pelosi's sock puppet. Recall Gavin Newsom.

  10. "Guilfoyle woke me up last night." LOL. Let's say if I were in a yelling match, I'd want her on my side.

  11. My God... The left likes strong women until they're on the other side. Pathetic.

    1. Kimberly's speech had nothing to do with strong women, she might be, but what came through was her dark and negative view and her screeching. I'm not a republican, but I think Melania gave a very good speech, she sounded honest, sincere and compassionate. As far as what I have heard she is the only one that mentioned the victims of the corona virus, she talked about children, race and unity. So it is not a matter of not liking strong women if they are republicans it is a matter of style, as far as I'm concerned.

    2. @658..lmao... Screaming nonsensical crap like an idiot is not a strong woman. She's an attention seeking clown who will move on to her next victim soon enough.

  12. Where is Jerry Fallwell Jr. this year? 😉😉

    1. Watching his wife and the pool man.

  13. An insult to screaming banshees, no matter what side of the aisle one is on. That will make one sterile in a hurry (and not just Colbert saying that last night; it's everywhere across the internet).

  14. Kimberley GUilefoyle was a DA in SF when Kamala Harris was as well. Terrence Hallinan fired her once, brought her back, and then she left when Kamala beat him for DA. She and Mr.Newsom had and have matching ambitions and egos and were perfect for each other. I think it's insane not to have her on your air. It would be a much watched interview, because she made a braying ass of herself last night. There is nothing wrong with divergent views.There is nothing wrong with "passion". There is something wrong with a broadcaster screeching at the top of her well-inflated lungs in an empty hall with no audience. Wouldn't you want to hear what she has to say?

    1. @729... No! She's a POS just like her boyfriend Jr. who she'll dump once his run for president blows up badly.

    2. I'm not her fan. She just made herself the laughingstock of the country. That makes her more, not less valuable to your cause. Funny, that you can't see it. Of course, she'll dump the dufus when he is no longer valuable to her.

  15. > a Guilfoyle visit, no matter the potential news value
    > would be in conflict with the Oakland -Fox O
    > and O...


    I'll bet they'd be coming in their yoga pants if Kommie Harris wanted to come on air.

    Fucking hypocrites.

    1. Kommie Harris...that's original. now go do your second grade homework

    2. Ms. Guilefoyle is not a nominee.Ms. Harris is.

  16. Rich L.,
    How might KTVU's request/denial of the visit go over with Fox News management in the long run? Might there be some payback in the future? Are there no grudges and it's already forgotten by Fox management? Are some negative-KTVU-employees already looking for a new job? Has morale at KTVU gotten better along with the prior employee video monitoring? 'just thinking out loud.

  17. KTVU missing an opportunity but no matter they’ll always the political science professor from Sonoma State, B Lee and E Swawell...��

  18. What/who the hell is this Botoxed, look what plastic surgery did for me, two-faced shrill? What IT said on Tuesday night was forced. Not real whatsoever. And to have the Trumpettes speak at the convention. Who the hell are they? This guy has got to go. And please take the bimbo with you!!
