Friday, August 28, 2020

KTVU Fucks Up Again (And Again) And Again --Calls Jacob Blake 'Blake Jacob'

MAYBE KTVU's News boss should concentrate less on a media blogger's story and more about basic, correct names of people that are shot, don't you think, Ms. Amber Eikel?


  1. Is Blake Jacob related to Bang Ding Ow, Ho Lee Fuk, and Wei Too Low?

  2. Haven't high schoolers gone back to online classes yet? But it is nice to see KTVU employing local youth to get experience, I think.

    1. You laugh but they did in fact literally hire a college student during the pandemic. High School is probably next. For what they're paying it should be.

  3. Everybody makes mistakes..What's important is that they correct them timely, and on the air. For example, both Jake TApper and Kate Bolduan on CNN said on consecutive days that Jacob Blake had been "killed". There was no correction of the error in either case. BTW, we haven't hear even one treating physician of Mr.Blake's comment on his medical condition. Doctors can't talk about patients without their consent. Mr.Blake's civil lawyer, Ben Crumb likes to set the narrative background for a megamillion dollar settlement. He isnota doctor. Anything he says about his client's medical condition should not be taken as fact.The same is true for the man's father.Crumb says the spinal cord is "severed" and that if he walks again,it would be a "miracle".. CAn't a treating physician update and give prognosis? Here's the deal. Death gets big settlement awards. Living but paralyzed permanently gets a large, but ssmaller take. Living and able to walk again is significntly less valuable. Let the doctors speak. WAs he hit in the back by eight,seven, six bullets? Did every round hit him. Was he shot in areas other than his back? ONly a doctor can say, professionally. In another, related matter, it's been learned that one of those shot by the 17 year old rifleman was also armed,with a handgun.

    1. Your voice and others like you give a different view of journalism 101. I greatly respect your background and experience. These is so much noise and we must Learn to separate wheat from chaff.

  4. Some folks do seem to have two first names or two last names.
    I recall the Swedish American actress Ann-Margaret. She has a last name; Olson, but only used the first two for Hollywood.
    Onstage, she had a bigger than life presence,(see Kitten With A Whip) would you believe she is only Five Foot, three inches?

  5. Better than Chip Franklin saying "James Worthy" walked off the set of Inside the NBA on TNT during the playoffs.

    Not Charles Barkley or Shaq. They actually host the show with Kenny and that would have been an understandable mistake.

    James Worthy. He of 1980's Lakers fame.

    I guess they all look the same to ole Charles Franklin.
