Friday, August 28, 2020

The Same Thing Over and Over and Over

S.F. Officials Warn Residents to Stay In to Avoid Smoke, May Open Respite  Centers - San Francisco Public Press

WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS, I view the TV News reporting with a great deal of yawning. There's nothing that stands out. All the same, boring, mundane content and really, nothing even remotely good. There's a lot to stew on, the continuing virus, the fires around the Bay Area, the crises within the cries --a golden opportunity for someone to go BEYOND the scope and do some REAL REPORTING! For a change. Instead, we get nothing but retread repots nd the usual banal live shots, and they winder why local news is becoming so tedious and unwatched.

1 comment:

  1. Rich.
    You’re absolutely right. For example, there are so many propositions in San Francisco’s November ballot. But very little coverage on them.
