Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Disney Exec Who Drinks the Tracey Watkowski Kool Aid; Chummy Ties Bwtween Campbell and her KGO/ABC7 ND 'Buddy' Job Security for Trixie No Matter What

Rebecca Campbell | DTCI Media
Rebecca Campbell


And she is a force --one of the Mouse Club's biggest players.

Rebecca Campbell was a high level ABC exec until she went up the career ladder and is now a Disney (which owns ABC and its O and O's) streaming exec.

Big stuff for a big lady.

Campbell is also buddy-buddy with current KGO ND, Tracey Watkowski-Silva- They're not as chummy as they used to be but chummy enough.

Which is to say, Watkowski will always have a job at Circle7 here as long as she wants to no matter the circumstances. Well, I mean as long as she doesn't shoot someone on Fifth Avenue.

Campbell is thought to be a Trixie believer. They both regularly e-mail. They both talk about news and events of the day. The Disney honchos are well versed of what Campbell likes and dislikes enough to the point where there's no in between.

It is really what it is.

Maybe one day when all is good, we will know more. I don't know how Countess Tracey was able to curry favor with Madame Campbell but I have my ideas and theories. They all deal with basic human trust and bonding. Female bonding. Sisterhood has its privileges especially when it involves a Disney whip and her buddy in the Bay Area.

Call it job security.

watkowski (@watkowski) | Twitter
Tracey Watkowski-Silva


  1. Clearly Rebecca's leadership of the O&Os kept the big ones - WPVI and WABC - at the top by a mile and she's earned her reputation and trust of her judgement

    Iger was a Cap Cities guy and knows the cash cow those stations are and respects those who understand how to keep them at the top

  2. Replies
    1. Instant Hard On

      San Francisco

    2. Rebecca is the hot one... at least in that picture. But, no match for the very beautiful Norah O'Donnell or Amy Rohrbach. 😎

  3. In other words, a million Circle7 viewers can vent their disgust with Trixie to Campbell, and it will go into one ear and out the other. Just like it has the past half-century. Smh
