Wednesday, July 8, 2020

KTVU Adachi Investigative Report Didn't Include Something Bigger

Report: Judge sides with journalist over search warrant in Adachi case

THAT KTVU REPORT--aired last (Tuesday) night was good investigating reporting but as good as it was, it wasn't the CRAZY, DISTURBING, news that I'm continuing to investigate myself about why the feds were interested in Jeff Adachi.

Adachi, the former SF Public Defender, died in February of 2019 and was with a woman who was not his wife on the night of his death. This too has nothing to do with my information.

It is too shocking to consider but I'm looking at everything.

There's really two stories here: why was Adachi being investigated by not only the police but why were the Feds also interested in Public Defender, Adachi.

Another question: does some SF Press outlets know why the feds were interested in Adachi and are withholding the story for fear of being sued?

Stay tuned.


  1. I guessing only, but there might be kicks backs running back to City Hall that we’re known and nit investigated. Taking on the establishment could be risky career wise, etc.

  2. Maybe it's being kept quiet due to an ongoing investigation. The Feds have been busy in SF City Hall lately.

  3. Spill it or be quiet, you sound like Investigative Reporter Trump doll

    "I am investigating and it is big Big BIG!"

    This has been yr M.O. on this non-story story for months

    1. I wrote this too but he censored it as usual. Surprised you got through.

  4. Rich, Please tell us what you know.

  5. I agree with Rant Bot. Stop being a teenage girl with a secret, or just keep it to yourself if you won't tell us.

  6. He cant tell you what he knows! He will be sued but more likely end up in jail.

  7. Adachi and Epstein were probably running in the same crowd.
